Chapter 3

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I walk through Maui International, tears running down my face. I don't even know where to get a flight to.

"Come on, mum," she's not answering. Fifth time. She did say she'd be out of range. But I'm not going back there. I am never going back there.

I sigh, trying to think. My dad? What would he say? I mean he'd want to go home and talk. What if he didn't believe me? It's not like she'll admit it. He'll believe her. And I shoved her, I probably hurt her. She'll say all that. He'll be angry at me. What if he believes her over me? Worse, what if he chooses her over me?

I can't risk that. Even if I called him right now then he'd just tell me to go home and wait till he got home. What if she already called him? It's been hours?

I don't have a lot of other relatives, though. My mum's family. But they're all a bit different. But I've met them a few times and they are nice enough. My grandma is nice, but she didn't answer either. So I could call my grandad? He's nice and likes me well enough I think? Maybe, at least he could get me in contact with my mom and tell me where she is. He'd do that—wouldn't he?

I call him, sniffling up tears as I do. The busy airport is full of tourists and it's quite loud. Thankfully, no one looks twice at a sad boy with a dingy backpack, just standing by the ticket counters.

"This is Luna, answering Thyme's phone, because he's in his usual state of being arrested for manslaughter, how may I disappoint you today?" that's legitimately how the person answers the phone. Like that's how human conversations are supposed to start.

"Um----my name's Lee, I'm his grandson," I say, realizing my voice still sounds like I'm crying.

"Are you okay?" the woman asks, nicely.

"Um---no---I mean yes---I can't reach my mom, I didn't know if my grandad knew where she was, I need to stay with my mom," I say, wiping my face with my hand, "I don't want to live with my dad anymore."

"Aw, okay. I doubt your grandad knows where your mom is, but look you'll get a flight here and you can talk to him okay?" she says, nicely.

"But he's arrested—"

"Yes, but you can stay with me, or one of your other aunts. It's fine, baby. Where are you right now?"

"An airport---Maui International--- I didn't know where to go?"

"You're coming to Winfell. In a couple of minutes the United counter is gonna have tickets for you all right?" she asks, "You can talk to your grandad when you get here maybe he'll be out of prison by then. If not you can stay here till we contact your mom."

"Okay," I say, taking a deep breath.

"You sure you're okay, baby?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, forcing calm into my voice, "I just don't want to live with my dad anymore."

"Okay, well, you can stay in Winfell as long as you like."

Olympus Drive Book 5: Situation NormalWhere stories live. Discover now