Chapter 48

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"Well. No monsters here. Oh well. Might as well stay."

"Okay I'm gonna say it. I do not think the spirit of this exercise was to go on a bar crawl, even if dad did think it up," I say, following Hugh and Isa into one of the last bars in Winfell. Now, most of the establishments want to ban any of the Rhea clan due to bar fights and damaged property in general. However. When they do that our dad doesn't have anywhere to drink which means he goes to Dean, which means Dean tries to get him to leave, which means that Dean dries up the taps of every bar mysteriously until they let us back in. Took 'em a few good run throughs to discover the correlation, but they get it now. Even if they aren't happy about it.

"Wow, rude," Isa says, as the bartender puts three beers down in front of us and walks away, glaring at us. Do we pay for our drinks? I mean, no. No. We don't. But also, they don't get shut down by Dean. It's a win win.

"Nobody told us NOT to look in the bars for this—whatever we're supposed to be looking for," Hugh says, happy not to do anything since he hates being involved to begin with.

"Where are your boys?" Isa asks him.

"With their mother, because she is against whatever it is we're doing and refuses to let them participate which is fine by me," Hugh says.

"But dad still made you do it?" Isa sneers, amused.

"Yes, thank you so much for bringing it up. Whatever. Aren't one of those clever people with arrows gonna find the monster thing long before we do?" Hugh sighs.

"Yes. Hence the bars," Isa says, gesturing widely.

"What are you looking at," Hugh asks, looking at me. I was checking my phone.

"Oh um---Ari texted a little while ago, that he's back on his bullshit," I say, weakly.

"What?" Isa growls.

"He's probably being dramatic; he has been lately," I say, quickly.

"He's always dramatic, but you do realize the frequency when his bullshit involves my daughter?" Isa growls, rounding on me.

"Okay, so that's not my fault also she and Ev have the Blessing of the Styx it's not like---" I hold up my hands.

"You know damn well that does them essentially no good considering that there's something that counteracts the blessing and given how often they throw themselves in front of moving trains they're gonna find that thing eventually," Isa snarls.

"The train thing was admittedly weird and it had to be a one off---anyway---um—I mean, they'll probably tell us if something bad is happening. I'm sure he's being dramatic," I sigh, not believing it.

"Well, why don't we call them and ask them?" Hugh asks, reasonably.

Isa and I start laughing.

"Okay fine yeah you make a good point they often don't answer their phones," Hugh sighs, "Can't you track their phones?"

"They all disabled that because they were sick of us checking up on them," I say.

"My boys didn't, they're not smart enough, thank god," Hugh scoffs.

"Oh, I'm sure Dara will do it for them, given the time," I say.

"Probably—no she doesn't sabotage my life that much," Hugh says, "Anyway can't you track them---some other way?" he and I look at Isa.

"Are you implying I microchipped my daughter and mongrel significant other?"

"Yeah, kinda," I say.

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