Chapter 87

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"Look," I point at explosions as big multi-headed monsters burst from between the buildings. Pedestrians run screaming.

"Wow. We would not have noticed that was happening if you hadn't shouted 'look' and pointed like that," Isa says, raising his hands to start weaponizing street lamps and other large metal objects.

"I'll get the civilians out of here, you three, go find the kids," Gerard says, pushing us forward.

Gale runs past us, tossing me my bow, and Hugh his sword.

"No, I hate this thing—can I not go home?---I'd rather not participate-----ow—," Isa shoves him with a pole.

"Come on," I say, swinging my quiver upon my back, "Look, two of the kids."

"I feel like those weren't the ones we were supposed to find, but all right—," Hugh mutters, running to help Angelica who is firing her bow at a small chimra. She's got nearly all the heads. Another small girl (our new sister) is running towards the center of the fight. I move to help.

"They've got this, create a perimeter," Dara runs past me, battle axe in hand, for good reason I guess, wearing a helmet and actual chain mail, "We need to stop the monsters from spilling out of Times Square."

"On it," I obey, as the Hunters run past me.

"You go that way," Luna is firing so rapidly my eyes can't follow her fingers. She is surrounded by her hunters, who are also assaulting the chimeras with a hail of arrows, "They'll move north, don't let them move into the sound until Uncle Luke gets here. They can't cross off of the Island."

"Correct, keep them south of central park—Luna you and your archers take Sol and stop them from moving north, if we keep them to the south half of the island then hopefully we can drown them in the sound," Dara calls.

I was going to ask her when we wound up on an island but I figure it isn't important right now.

Olympus Drive Book 5: Situation NormalWhere stories live. Discover now