Chapter 64

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"There's a Chimera Loose in New York" would make a great video title and great clickbait. If I make it out of this alive.

"He's gone underground, again," the one little girl, Angelica, sighs, looking around.

"Shit," I sigh. We've been at it all night. The tunnel dropped us out in Brooklyn and we've been two steps behind ever since.

"Who would let one of those things loose though? Why? What is the goal?" Pierce asks.

"Can just---anyone---summon them?" the other little girl asks.

"No, I don't think so," Angelica says, "It came from the Underworld, so it'd be hard. I don't know um---I don't know."

"Okay. Well, my halfway useless sensor is not picking up anything. And we have been at this all night. You little girls need to go to bed and I need to figure out who you belong to," I say.

"We've told you!"

"We're members of the Hunt!"

"And that's meaningless to me," I say.

"Your SON is a member of the Hunt," Angelica says.

"Oh good he's joined a cult," great. Fucking great.

"I found a hotel," Pierce says, staring at his phone.

"Is it haunted?" I ask, tiredly. He loves haunted hotels.

"I found a hotel."

"Is it fucking haunted or not?"

"I found a hotel."

"Jesus Christ."

"You shouldn't swear around us," Brielle says.

"You've said 'fuck' eighteen times," Pierce says.

"No I didn't!" she says.

"Oh, he's talking to me," I sigh, "Is Lee really a part of your cult?"


"Great," I have to find him. And now there's a Chimera loose in New York. Well, I have to catch that first. Lee is clearly fine.

Olympus Drive Book 5: Situation NormalWhere stories live. Discover now