Chapter 28

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"Wow, you are really still here---?" Zephyr walks in, to see me upside down on the same chair I was, now reading a book and refreshing my phone. "Than still mad at you?"

"Yeah apparently, how was your shift---was Mrs. Perkins—"

"Mrs. Perkins wants to know why her 'handsome young man' don't know who that was—"

"Shut up—"

"Wasn't coming to see her. Yes she's doing well, should be walking fine and able to go back to her home tomorrow. I promised her you'd visit," Zephyr says, going into the kitchen.

"Do you think Than hates me?" I ask, oozing off the chair.

"Do I think he's cross you threw a brick at his head? Yes."

"Damn," I sigh, lying on the floor. Of course he would be. Why should he forgive me? I'm a hot mess at the best of times.

"Do you know why we got an All Call text from your grandfather telling us to be on his lawn at seven am when he'll inevitably be hung over?"

"No, I've blocked all numbers but Than's so that I don't miss his call when he inevitably can't take it anymore and needs to tell me how damn dumb I am because he knows I'm off being dumb without him," I say, crawling into the kitchen.

"Why aren't you walking?"

"Currently too gay to walk properly check back later," I say, haughtily.

"Did you do some fucked up spell on yourself AGAIN?"

"I think we both know damn well that I did," I say, head on my hands.

"I'll call Than and have him yell at you, seriously," Zephyr picks me up to drag me back to the chair which isn't where I wanted to go, "What did you do?---will you quit trying to cure paralysis?"

"Clearly no, I'll be better in a few hours, eighth time today this has happened."

"You've paralyzed yourself eight times---?"

"Yeah. Than is like 89% of my impulse control."

"More like 100%. Anyway, someone's going to be coming over and I need you to answer the door," he says, going back to putting away his lunch things.

"Why?" I ask frowning.

"Because it's a woman from the hospital," he says, blushing.

"What---are you bi?" I laugh.


"But you have a date with a woman?" I nearly fall out of the chair again.

"Because clearly I am not capable of actually saying no when someone asks me out," Zephyr growls, "She was very assertive and said we should do dinner and I made guttural noises and she said 'great seven' and walked away."

"So you're going to go on a date with her and then tell her you don't bat for her team?" I ask, amused.

"No. don't be ridiculous. I'm not going anywhere or leaving the house---- after I just got back? Are you joking? No, that's why I need you to answer the door."

"And say what exactly?"

"You'll answer, and say 'sorry Zephyr is very gay and has limited social interaction abilities. Have a nice life' then you are going to close the door again," he says.

"That will never work also it's mean," I laugh.

"You know what's meaner? Me having to go on a date with a human woman."

Olympus Drive Book 5: Situation NormalWhere stories live. Discover now