Chapter 25

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"Thanks for coming today," Angelica says, settling down in bed a little. I pet her cheek and check that her hair has cream in it. It does. Nym does a good job with her. So does Luna. Her mother would like them, I think.

I nod, smiling at her.

"I like Ev coming to visit, are they gonna stay?" she asks.

I shrug. I have almost no control over Evander's movements these days. They are an element unto themselves, blissfully drifting into their own power and farther from my protection.

"Are you okay?" she asks, frowning a little.

I nod. I'm thinking about your mother, sweet one. Your mother who walked the world with me. Who knew more paths and roads and than I did. Who lay in my arms under countless starry skies. Who would have loved you and your fierce spirit more than anything. Who died in a miserable, cold hospital bed where she couldn't even see the sky, bleeding out while I was powerless to save her. Bleeding out from giving birth to my precious child.

"You----your mother---mother would---does---love you," I say, wincing and rubbing my face. I want to talk for her. I do. She only has me.

"I know you miss her."

I nod, blinking the tears from my eyes. Evander's mother, Brianna, she didn't need me. We were always the other's mutual pleasure. That was all with us. We had the child and I was content in that. And Brianna loves that kid. She needs them more than she needs me.

Jason's father well, there are certain people I'll always need to possess. He's one of them. He's quiet and he's lost and it's my business to help people find their way. Nobody kisses him often enough or tells him how pretty he is. He needs me.

Bleiz's mother? She's a quiet thing, I like her well enough. She's a good lover and she doesn't mind my quiet ways. I only ever got involved with her because my brother dragged me along to meet her one night. Sordid story short she wound up bearing us both a child. As I said I like her well enough and she likes the child (gods know why).

But my Nesta. She was like another puzzle piece, fitting so smoothly next to me in all too short fabric of time. Too little time together. It should have been centuries. Instead just a few short years. I didn't need to talk, she knew what I would say. My words flowed easier around her, though. She fit in my arms like she was formed to be there. Because she was. Maybe she didn't need me. I most certainly needed her, and to learn the piece of my life that she will forever be in. was such short happiness worth a forever of sorrow? Yes of course. I should have known she was too perfect to be possessed by someone like me.

"I love you," Angelica kisses my cheek, "Night now."

I squeeze her back, "L---Love---love you---love you---love you sweet thing."

I stand, slowly, even if I don't want to leave. That rat bastard demon hell child (Jason) is on his way here. I need to redirect him. Oh and I lost Bleiz. Again.

I love my kids. Individually. And far away from each other. They do NOT need to be combined together. And I'm quite beholden to Ev and Angelica's mothers. Ev's mother loves them, they are all she has and I'm supposed to not let them die (again) because she adores her child and they're a wild thing I love them too.

 And I swore to Nesta, my love, my shining twin star, I swore to her that I'd keep her daughter safe. I love that girl with every piece of my being. But for her mother I'd burn the world. And with her dying breath she made me swear to keep this child safe. I don't know why she thought I could when I couldn't save her. But I will tear the world apart before I let her suffer.

So anyway, two of my sons spend 90-99% of their time taking things that aren't theirs in really obvious ways. The non-binary child just spends their time beating up people as some sort of masked vigilante. And then there's this one that I'm trying to protect.

Long story short, Jason and Bleiz do NOT need to be on the same land mass. They're both problems the pair of them—should they meet? My father would actually kill me once he salvaged the wreckage of the continent. He thinks Thyme is bad? No, this would be far, far worse. The destructive chaotic energy? No, that would be bad. 

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