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When I look in the mirror
Do I really look back
I get lost in the similarities
I'm taken aback

There's no way we could be
One and the same
What ever I do he does opposite
He's the Ying to my yang

I raise my left hand
He raises his right
He's as excited as me
As we both smile bright

I notice the scar on his lip
That to mine had been flipped
Its like from the corner of my mouth
To his it has been shipped

Same as his movements
The scar is opposite to mine
It's precisely the same
And well defined

He's unrelenting matching
Every move that I make
It was kinda neat at first
But much more I cant take

"Will you please stop copying me
Yes you there, ye man in the mirror
And wipe the smile from your face
Oh How dare you be queer

I cant believe this
I'm smiling too
Now look what you've done
You've gone and made me act like you

You need to know your pressence
Is a bit overbearing
I can't think straight
Just knowing your staring

I have to escape him
I need to find somewhere to hide
So I turn to leave
I run/walk in stride

I look over my shoulder
And gave the mirror one last glare
By my antagonist
Was no longer there

All I seen
was as it should be
I had again been made whole
As I'd begun to flee

I stopped dead slack
And went to go back
But I had been deceived and made to look a jack
To its dedication, determination, execution & tact

Now I get it
I'm finally on track
I know why I'm me
Only when I look back

Because the past is written
Its a matter of fact
But the future is yet
To be enact

Thats why my reflection
appeared to be abstract
Because while I'm looking forward
He's looking back

I go to the mirror
To give it a quick Inspection
To see if my assumptions are true
Or they need a correction

There are No doubts to be expressed
I have No interjection
I reach ot my hand to his
I make the connection

We meet at the glass
Where appears the transaction
Were one and the same I have No Objection
The Ying to my yang is me to my reflection!

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