True Friends

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The people in our lives, all family put aside,

To which we spend our time with, talk to and in confide

The ones we tell all of our secrets, where as to others weve lied

Acompanying us through life, as we take each day in stride

These are the people on which we most often rely,

To help us overcome lifes hurdles, as we simply try to get by

Their there without question, they need no reason why

Weather were happy or sad, or need a shoulder to lean on or cry

They help unconditionally, if possible that they can,

They endure with us all of our problems, When they shouldve got up and ran

They often prevent failures by graciously lending a hand,

And if ever you go to fall on your face, they catch you before ever you land

When theres problems between you, your both quick to make amends,

Not matter whos wrong or right, nor who compromises and so bends

They help us pave the way to success in many of our lives great victories and wins,

And Theres only one thing you can call them and that would be True Friends!


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