Always My Baby Girl

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Your first born baby,
Shes Your precious baby girl,
The light of your life,
Shes your whole entire world

You watch time fly by,
As the years unfurled,
There wasn't an obstacle,
To great that couldn't be hurdled

Then absent from her life,
You were gone for some years,
You finally reunited,
And it brought you to tears

Something about her was different
Shed has made a change,
The differences in her,
were odd and seemed strange

Suddenly out of nowhere,
An unspeakable pain,
Your daughter she's hurting,
Though It's nothing physical,
it hurts still the same

From out of nowhere,
for once it came,
She's binded and bound,
and shackled by shame

Her tongue lay paralyzed,
Responsive its not,
She wont speak a word,
Nor share a thought

Its eating her away,
From the inside out,
She's scared and afraid,
And shadowed with doubt

She's empty and hallow,
Left with a void,
Its all but consumed her,
She's nearly destroyed

You can feel her pain,
And glimpse her sorrow,
And you know that her hurt,
It knows No tomorrow

" Hey baby will you come here?
Sit down and talk to dad. "
"What is it that's bothering you, That's got you feeling so sad? "

Is there a secret or something,
You need to get off your chest,
Or If its advice you need,
I got it cause father knows best

Shes scared and affraid,
And dont know where to start
Then she spills her guts
And pours out her heart

" Dad i don't expect,
You to understand,
I know i was born a woman,
But i feel like a man, "

Your shocked in awe,
Without a word to say,
Your daughters transgender,
Shes openly gay

Then the words that you needed, they did finally appear,
You leaned in close,
and whispered in her eat

" Baby i support you,
And I've got your back,
On all decisions made "

" No matter what,
I'll always love you,
  Our memories will forever,
refuse to fade "

" Everyone elses opinions,
They matters not,
Because life is precious,
its all that we got "

" So long as your happy,
I too will be,
Undying support from me,
Just watch and see "

" Hey dad would you get mad,
If I changed my name?
Cause now that i'm a boy,
It just don't feel the same "

Then from Makayla to Conner,
Your name's came to be,
But my baby girl's,
What you'll always be to me!

I Love You Baby!!!
Happy Birthday!!!

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