The Town

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This town itself is an infection
The inhabitants are a virus
It's a cancerous insurrection
That's gone without detection

The infections been spreading
It has enveloped this town
The people by far
Are the worse around
Their lies and deception
Have them binded and bound000

It's consumed normality
Like a wildfire
Humanity was but fuel
To their Pyre

You cant escape the flame
It's as consuming as the game

The games that they play
Both day and night
Paranoid, delusional it's not right
It's Psychological Warfare
It's A mental fight

A mental invasion of manipulation
Conquered, Confused and, Confounded
You feel surrounded
Shadows have faces and they
Follow you around
You jump and flinch
At the faintest sound

Your belonging disappear
There no longer there
Without a hint or a clue
As to where
They've apparently vanished
Into thin air

Months go by you almost forget
Then your at someones house
And they have your shit

You poke and prod and pry for
Answers to the truth
But your met with deception
Because they have no cueth

Your friends become foes
As there true color shows
They're vicisious vermin they're
All selfish, sour
And savagely, scorned
They're not worth the time
Nor the tears to be mourned

The masks they wear
Are charismatic
And colorfully done
Facial facades
They refuse to shun
Used for the ruse
As part of their fun

They chit-chat
Talk, tell and rat
Just another cop
With a political tat
Informing on what you got
And where it's at

It keeps them from jail
Without paying for bail
Ruining other families lives
Costing them their husbands
kids and wives

Always quick to point a finger at
Someone else and pass the blame
Not an ounce of remorse or regret
Because they feel No shame
Not one of them is different
There all the same

They will deny involvement
And put on their charms
And it happens again and again
With no though as to who it harms

Until the day you wind up in jail
In a two man cell
The letters stop you get no mail
No one helps you get no bail
Your off to prison it'syour own hell

This town has won once again
It's just destroyed a family
A father and A friend,

But you weren't the first
And you won't be the last
This town has a history
Just look at it's past
Look at the hurt and the pain
that this town has cast

Then burn this town to the ground
and all that's in it too
Before this town decides
To conquer you
Before it destroys your morals
And your humanity too
Before the reflection in the mirror is no longer you!

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