Fighting Fear

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Our lives are fueled by fear,
Fear and Fright of the Dark of Night,
Of our own inadequacies,
And losing things we hold tight

Courageously we fight our fears,
With our blood sweat and tears,
A fight that we've waited for,
For all our years
You fight yourself
in the hall of mirrors,

Your reflections know,
Every move that you'll make,
Every swing you'll throw,
Every step you'll take

They've closed in around you,
your completely surrounded,
Lost and confused,
Your Perceptionally Confounded
Your really taking a beating,
Your really getting pounded

Your over your finished,
So you concede to your fear,
Letting it take you over,
Letting it drive and steer

Then the other parts of yourself
All begin to disappear,
Your all you see,
when you look in the mirror
For though you got beat,
You'd overcame your fear

That's the way
it always seems to be,
My greatest battle,
Always occurs with me,

It nearly destroys me,
it really takes a toll,
On my heart and my mind,
On my body and my soul

The struggle it has a cost
A price that's to be paid
A piece of you was lost,
As your fear begins to fade

It changes who you are,
The decisions yet to be made,
This course you've stayed
And the foundation you've laid

Life changes so dramatically,
Its plainly evident easy to see,
How could it change me so?
How could it be?

You realize the hold,
that fear has had on your life,
How its weighed in you mind,
How it's cut like a knife

You begin to wish it were there,
If only a seed,
who would have known it,
was something you'd need,
That you'd use it for fuel,
And Off it you'd feed

So pick your battles wisely,
Even ones fought internally,
Cause it may change you,
And who you turn out to be

For to conquer a fear
It will change things in your life
That you may never understand
It can take your personality
And make you bland
So when it comes to the decision
Look at the hand

What your dealt
And what you've felt
Weather it leaves a scare
Or begins to welt

And if they ever begin to fade,
Only then you'll know,
if it was a worth trade

We use fear for fuel,
Fuel for the fight,
While others over come it,
keep it I just might

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