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When the sands have run
From the hourglass
I'm the one to claim you
When you pass

Young or old
Dan or Dame
Off to Heaven or Hell by flame
It don't matter to me for it's all the same

when the shadow crawls
And darkness falls
It's No surprise
When I hear their squalls

They curse me, they scream
Some even damn me to hell
But their words mean nothing
And their easy to dispel

When their time comes
And they look me in the face
There will be no emotion
Not even a trace

You may think that I'm cold
All the way down to the bone
but how far is that?
For that's all that's left shown

There's no mistaking me
My scythe and my hood
Things to which have been misrepresented and misunderstood

Though I wear a robe
I'm not there to judge
I don't ponder the past
Nor do I ever hold a grudge

I have a job to do
It's a promise to keep
Seeds are sewn
When with my scythe I reap

You may hear me coming
Or feel something deep within
You may take extra precautions
Or even repent for your sin

But know that I will never stop
Once I begin
And though some may cheat me
I will always win
For when you end
That's where I begin

So when that night comes
When the light goes dim
It's me that's there to greet you
And my name is grimm!

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