Chapter 3

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When I awoke the next day, I opened my eyes to see the wall opposite me.  I rolled over a bit.  Looking to my side, she was still sleeping.  Not wanting to wake her, I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the shower.

When I exited the bathroom, she was still asleep.  I heard her phone vibrate on the bedside table next to her.  As I was getting dressed, her phone kept vibrating.  Had it not been a constant thing, I might've ignored it but my paranoia crept in.  I looked at the clock.  9 am.  Who would be texting her this much at this hour?

Looking at her, I slowly picked up her phone.  I saw several missed text messages from some random number.  There was no name assigned to it.  It went off again in my hand.  Paranoid she would somehow notice the noise change, I placed the phone back down on the table and walked away.

Several more missed messages later, my paranoia got the better of me.  She always kept her phone away from me; hid who she was talking to or what she was looking at, even when I asked what she was smiling at, figuring she'd want to share what was making her happy.

I picked up her phone, took it off the charger, and went into the bathroom, shutting the door.  Having gotten suspicious about something the other day, I watched her several times when she typed in her passcode, memorizing it.  I typed it in.  Opening the messages, I saw a bunch of random words that didn't really amount to much other than it sounded like whoever this was on the other end was drunk.

I shook my head, exited out of that line of texts, and was about to walk out of the bathroom and put everything back in its place when I noticed several other familiar phone numbers; each without a name. 

"You've got to be kidding me," I said, internally.

Opening it, I was greeted with messages I had seen before.   

Scrolling up, I read through them:

"You got anything?"

"Yeah my buddy down the street has a couple rocks."

"Awesome.  How much?"

"The usual."

 "Let me know when you got em."

  "Of course."

I exited those and clicked on another number I had become all too familiar with.

"Trying to see if you want any things because I'm about to go and get some."

"Yes, definitely!"

"Just pulled up to their house. How many?"

"Well, I grabbed what I could.  Headed home.  Can you come get them?"

I exited again and found her friend Sierra's number.

"If it's possible can you get the sticks today?  I just got a note from my landlord and not a good one.  I gotta get rid of these stickers and dump as many rocks fast so I don't get thrown out on my ass.  Jason is up my ass on these, too.  I know he's willing to take other favors from you but I really need the money, Mags."

Jason.  There was that name again.  I exited out of Sierra's texts and scrolled back up to the number I knew to be his which was also conveniently not assigned a name.

"Was everything good with what I called about earlier?

"Yes, just trying to get the money from Niall now but he's asking a billion fucking questions."

"Why are you with this guy again?"

"Because he'll do anything for me to keep me happy.....And he's loaded."

"Girl, you can find money anywhere.  You can't stand him.  Is his dick that good?  I mean, I know it ain't better than mine.  Your screams ring in my ears for days, baby."

My stomach dropped.  She was fucking him?

"Please, he couldn't get me off if his life depended on it.  Believe me, out of desperation, I've tried.  And his dumb ass thinks he does.  I swear, he must have never gotten a woman off in his life. Then again, I generally can't stand the sight of him these days so it's not like I'm exactly turned on by him."

"Damn, woman!  A little harsh on the poor fella.  Didn't you like him at one point in time?  I mean, you've been with him for two years."

"Whatever. still got footballs?"


"If you can do 4 of those I'll give you another."

"Got it."

"Also, a friend of mine is looking for R"

I exited out of the messages unable to read anymore.  My heart rate had increased exponentially in the course of reading those and my heart also dropped into my stomach while simultaneously getting stuck in my throat.  I was finding it hard to breathe. 

My phone rang from out in the bedroom which nearly sent me into cardiac arrest.  Without time to process anything I had just read, I scrambled out of the bathroom, running to my side of the bed where my phone had been charging, trying to get it answered before the noise of it woke her up.

"Hello?" I answered, out of breath.

I looked at her as she started to roll over. Realizing I still had her phone in my hand, I raced to the other side of the bed and put it back on the charger.

"Hello? Niall, you there?"

"Hey, uh," I looked at my phone to see who had called me, "Hey Mark, what's up?"

"The meeting this morning got pushed up, can you be now?"

"Oh, uh, yeah on my way."  I hung up.  "Shit."

I now didn't have the time to deal with the situation that I had just found out about.  Throwing some cloths on, I grabbed my jacket before I took one last look at the woman sleeping in my bed.  Our bed.

"Fuck you," I whispered, turning on my heel and heading out the door, slamming it, hoping I woke her up.  I'd deal with her later.

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