Chapter 9

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Ophelia's POV

Five Months Later

Los Angeles, California

"Ophelia! What are you doing back?" My friend and co-worker, Tomi asked when she saw me sit down at the bar.

"I have no power in my apartment for some reason.  So, instead of sitting in the dark, I came back here.  Hopefully it'll be back on again soon.  Saw some power trucks working on it."

"Oh, that sucks," she said.  "Want anything?"

"What do you think?" I asked, smiling. 

"Hmm, let me guess."  She giggled a little before she turned away from me, "Coming right up."

She turned around to start making the drink.  The bar had gotten busy in the fifteen minutes I had been gone. 

"Want some help?  I can clock back in?"

"Nah, I got it.  Thanks, though," Tomi said handing me my drink just as someone took the seat to my left.  I quickly glanced over at him but then went back to my phone which had just buzzed with a text message.  "Good evening, sir.  What can I get you?"

"Do you have any Guinness?" A strong Irish accent filled my left ear.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't quite get what you said?" Tomi asked, apologetically.

"Do you carry Guinness?"

She looked at him funny.

"Guinness, Tom.  He asked for a Guinness.  Which we do carry, but only on tap, and we ran out our last keg earlier this evening. Sorry." I said, turning to the guy for the first time.  I smiled at him.

"How about Stella?"

Tomi again looked confused.  "Stella," I repeated.

"We do have that.  Bottle or tap?"

"Tap is fine."

"Got it."  She got the guy his beer and handed it over to him.  "Start a tab?"

"Please," he responded, lifting the glass to his lips to take a sip.

I couldn't quite place it but something about him seemed familiar.

He turned to me.  I quickly looked away.  "Thank you.  For being my interpreter."

I laughed a little as I took a sip on my own drink.  "It's quite loud in here.  I'm sure it was just that.  Plus, the fact that she's barely tall enough to see over the bar, let alone hear."  I giggled a little.

"I'm not short!" Tomi shouted at me.

"I'm fun sized!" We both said, in unison, before laughing.

The guy next to us arched an eyebrow.

"Sorry, we're ridiculous."

"No, no, I like it," he said, smiling at me, again.  "I get called tiny all the time.  It gets kind of annoying."

"Well, from now on, your retort should be 'I'm not tiny, I'm fun sized'.  It's what we do," I said, pointing at myself and then Tomi who had walked off to help another customer.

He smiled, a little.  "I like it.  Gonna have to remember that one."  He paused.  "So, uh, I take it you two know each other, then?"

"Yeah, I work here.  Was here earlier but came back because I have no power at my place right now."

"Yeah, I saw on the way here that several stop lights are out for a few blocks."

"Oh, goody."

"What are you drinking?" He asked, looking at my glass as I sucked on the straw.

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