Chapter 57

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Ophelia's POV

"Sooooo, I never got the grand tour," I said, a bit tipsy; more than tipsy.  But, not too drunk.

Niall had just said goodbye to the final guest and had shut the door.

Tomi and Mully had disappeared into his room.  Deo and Willie had disappeared into their respective rooms.  Andy and Matt had left about an hour ago.  Tara was staying with a friend.  And Paul was the last one to go.

"One grand tour coming right up," he smiled.  I could see he was about as drunk as I was; the grin on his face and the sleepiness in his eyes gave him away.  He was adorable, though. 

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him. The music that had been on all night was still softly playing. Swaying us a little bit, he bent down and kissed me. Lightly making out with him was something on another level. I could've just melded into him and stayed there forever. Slowly separating, he looked down at me and even in the dim light of the hallway, the way he looked at me gave me chills. I could get used to him looking at me like that.

"Grand tour?" he hazily asked. I nodded.

He looked around to make sure everything was cleaned up enough to satisfy him for the night before leading me around his house.  Tomi had been right – it was pretty impressive but not as big as it seems from the outside.

"Okay, enough of this.  Where is your room?" I asked, taking a step ahead of him and turning around, throwing my arms around his neck.  I looked up at him as I rested my chin on his chest.

"Right this way, my impatient lady," he said, holding onto me while trying to get us both down the hallway before opening the door and letting me step inside.

It was nice.  Cozy.  Warm.  Inviting.  I took one look at the bed and instantly knew I had to jump on it. I squealed a little and made a run for it, hopping up pretty easily and began jumping up and down on it like a two year old.  Niall looked at me, absolutely horrified by my actions.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"Being a little kid and jumping up and down on the bed," I said, not looking at him.

"I can see that.  Why?"

"Because this bed looks like a good bed to do that on and so I thought I'd give it a try."

"I don't like jumping on my bed," he said.  I looked over at him and he looked unamused.

"Ah, come on, Niall.  Come jump up here just for a minute and then we can stop.  Be a kid with me, please?"

I stopped jumping and put my hand out for him to take and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes in the world.  He looked at me skeptically before relenting. Shutting the door to his room, he reached out for my hand to grasp as he stood up on the bed.  Grabbing his other hand, we held hands as I started to jump again.  A few slow seconds later, he joined in.  I managed to grab one of the billion pillows he had on the bed and whacked him in the head with it.  He almost fell over and off the bed which made me laugh hysterically. As I did so, he grabbed my ankle and yanked me down so that I landed on the bed but I ended up bouncing back up and flying off, ultimately landing on the floor with a thud.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to do that!  Are you okay?" I heard Niall say while also trying not to laugh.  He peeked his head over the side of the bed and looked down at me.  I reached up and grabbed his arm, pulling on him to get him down on the floor with me, which eventually I succeeded and his body landed, thudding against the floor, next to mine.

Laughing, we intertwined our bodies together as I grabbed his face and kissed him all over.  But as our lips found each other, the laughter subsided into something more quiet, more passionate and more intimate.

After a few moments of lightly making out, he lifted himself up and away from me.  Opening my eyes, I saw him looking down at me.  My hands absentmindedly went through his hair before landing on his face.

"I could get used to this," he whispered, turning his head softly, kissing the palm of my hand.

"Me too," I said, pushing his head back so he was looking at me.

A few strands of his hair had fallen across his forehead.  I ran a finger through it, just to watch it fall back into his eyes.  He was watching me, his eyes scanning around my face before moving down my body. 

'I could fall in love with you,' I thought.

My breathing became a little shallow at that thought but I realized I was okay with that. I wanted to be in love with him and I wanted him to be in love with me. Smiling, I wrapped my fingers into his hair and brought his lips back to mine.

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