Chapter 5

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"Niall!!  What the fuck is going on?  Let me in!"  She continued to bang on the front door.

I stood on the other side, my arms crossed, glaring at the door she had been hitting for the last ten minutes.

"I know you're home!  Open the goddamn door!"

I began pacing.  Every time she hit the door I wanted to open it just to get her to stop but I was too nervous she'd weasel her way back in and convince me to let her stay.  As she had done a month ago.  As she had done two months before that.  And I knew this needed to be done....for my own sanity.

"Niall!  Open the fucking door you little shit!"

That did it.  Swinging the door open, I greeted her with as stern a face as I could get.  It must've worked because she stepped back.

"What the fuck is going on?  Why won't my key work?"

"It won't work because I got the locks changed.  On every door to this house."

"Oh, well, why didn't you tell me.  Or, you know, leave the door unlocked for me?"

"Why would I do that?" I asked, crossing my arms, still not letting her past me.

"Uh, I don't know, so I can come inside."

"But you don't live here anymore."

She looked at me.  "What?  What do you mean I don't live here anymore?"

"I mean just that.  You. Don't. Live. Here. Anymore."

"Gee, Niall, now you're the one who's high."

"No.  I'm perfectly sober.  Perfectly sober.  Might get drunk later, seeing as how I'm having to end a two year relationship today that clearly only meant something to me, but right now, in this moment, I am stone cold sober."

She stood there, with her hands on her hips and looked at me.  "What the fuck is going on?"

"I'm dumping you.  We're done.  You don't live here anymore.  You don't know me anymore.  Okay?  Go live your life somewhere else with someone else.  Perhaps Jason will take you in the same way you've taken him in."

Her eyes widened as soon as I mentioned his name.  She knew I knew.  "Niall...wait."

"Don't you dare try to say anything to convince me otherwise.  I saw it with my own two eyes, Maggie.  You're not only still on those fucking pills, you're also fucking him!  Probably have been for who knows how long.  And, from the looks of it, you're selling.  Maybe I should call the cops?  Let them come pick you up.  I'm sure you're high right now.  And probably have more on you somewhere."

"Niall, you're delusional.  I have no idea what you are talking about."

She tried to move past me but I moved to stop her.  "Don't.  You come into this house, or anywhere else on this property in the future, you will be considered as trespassing.  And I will call the cops.  Your shit is over there."  I pointed to the curb where I had dumped every last piece of clothing or object of hers I could find. 

"You threw my stuff away!"

"Not yet.  It's still there.  You have til tomorrow morning to get it off the curb."

"Niall, come on.  What the fuck has gotten into you?"

"I saw the texts, Maggie.  Please, haven't you done enough to me?  Don't act all innocent.  You've been screwing me over for the last year.  Hell, possibly the entire time we've been together.  Let me ask you this....and please, for whatever actually means something to you, did you ever care?"


"Did you ever care about me?  Was any of this ever real?"

The tension in her body relaxed.  The fire in her eyes calmed.  She threw her hands up in the air.  "Yes, Niall.  Of course, I cared.  And I still do." The exasperated tone she used told me she was lying, and she wasn't really even trying to hide it.

"Nah, you don't get to do that.  You do not still care.  You have been doing so many things behind my back.  And I've forgiven them all.  But, not today.  Not this time.  You have shown and proven to me that you don't care about me or this relationship.  Fuck, you don't even care about yourself.  And I've tried.  I've tried, Maggie, but there's only so much I can do.  I can't force you to get the help you need.  That's a decision for you to make.  The only thing I know right now, is that I need you gone.  I need to start rebuilding my life and get back to the person I used to be."

The fire relit.  "Well, fuck, Niall, why do you think that is?  Why do you think I turn to other people?  Huh?  I mean, you're gone all the damn time."

"No.  You don't get to blame my job for this.  This is all on you."

"To hell it's not!"

"You're the one lying.  You're the one cheating.  You're the one who has broken my heart and my spirit and my soul every single day for, at least, the last year."

She started to say something but stopped.  Then she started to laugh.  "Alright, I get it now.  You know what, blame me for whatever you want.  Be delusional.  Go right ahead and continue to think that I'm entirely at fault for this.  But, let me tell you something."  She got up into my face before she continued, "You'll be back.  You'll come running back to me.  Begging me to take you back. Like you always do."

"Doubtful.  Considering you can't even stand the sight of me now.  How much internal convincing did you have to do in order to fuck me last night?" I raised an eyebrow at her.  "Yeah, I saw those messages."

She smirked at me.  Then, in the harshest tone she could muster, she said, "You were never a good lover.  You believed me every single time I told you I had come but not once....not once, did you actually do it.  You probably don't even know what a female orgasm looks like because you clearly don't know what it feels like.  No wonder I had to go find someone else.  No wonder I needed to be on something just to fucking look at you.  You disgust me."

"No, baby, you disgust me.  I changed my mind.  You have five minutes to get your things and yourself off my property."

With that, I stepped back into my house and glared at her as I slammed the door in her face, locking it.

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