Chapter 70

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Ophelia's POV

Pissed. Livid. Irate. Raging. 

My blood was boiling as I walked back inside the reception hall. 

Tomi ran to me when she saw me. "Is that Maggie?" She asked, all wide-eyed.

"The one and only."

"Mully saw her talking to you two and he did not like the way she was acting.  What the fuck did she say?"

"Honestly, nothing bad. She introduced herself in probably the most saccharine tone I've ever heard. It made me nauseous. She said that she and Niall got James and Maria together because she's friends with Maria, which means he should've known she could be here!" I said trying to hold back the fear and the tears threatening to take over. "But I just gave him the opportunity to tell me who she was and he didn't take it. He won't fucking tell me anything about her. And I'm fucking tired of wondering. He acts this way because of her and I'm fucking tired of chasing his demons away and not knowing why."

"Ophelia?  What do you mean?  What are you going to do?"

"He's been afraid of something and we both know it's because of something she did. And I'm tired of waiting on him to fucking tell me. So, I'm going to go to the next best person."

"Ophelia, do you really think that's a good idea?"

"I have no other option, now do I? He won't tell me and he just let Mully drag him away from me. I'm fucking done."

Before Tomi could say anything else, I turned on my heel and walked away from her.  My eyes scanning the room but I couldn't find her anywhere.

I walked into the bathroom, wondering if she had gone in there but there was no one. Not having peed in hours, my bladder suddenly decided it couldn't wait any longer so I ducked into a stall. I was so caught up in my own head that I didn't hear the door open and someone walk in. It wasn't until I was done and walked out that I was greeted by Maggie.

She had propped herself up against the counter and her long legs were crossed as she stood there, staring at me.  Her hands were propped on the counter behind her as she just kept staring at me.

"Excuse me," I said, trying to get past her.

She quickly moved and blocked my way.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked, my bravery to speak to her had all but evaporated into the mist.  She was scaring the shit out of me at this point.

"Niall doesn't love you." She looked at me, no emotion could be seen. Her pupils, however, were the size of pinpoints. "Niall could never love you. You know that, right? You are nothing but a rebound to him. A means to an end. And once he's had his fun with you, which I doubt is much of anything, from the looks of it, he'll be running back to me."

"Excuse me?" I said, my anger rising in my chest.

"Niall and I are forever, sweetie." She said in that overly sugary tone that made me want to puke. "You? You are nothing to him. Nothing. He only started 'dating' you to make me jealous."

I rolled my eyes. "I highly doubt that."

She shrugged, "Fine, don't believe me.  Believe these, instead."

She shoved her phone into my face where I proceeded to read all of these messages between the two of them, many quite risqué and very intimate. I felt my lungs lose air and my chest tighten.

"As you can see, he doesn't think much of you. I mean, he even says he has to think of me in order to orgasm while having sex with you. And, also, as you can see, he sent me quite the personal video the other day."

"What video?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

"Oh, this one."

She happily reached over and found the video. It switched to full screen and then what I saw almost made me sick. It was video of the two of them having sex, in what looked like Niall's house here in LA. I couldn't tell when, though.

The video ended and went back to the messages. My throat was dry.  My eyes were strained.  And my heart hurt.  But my head told me this was a lie.  It had to be.

"You're lying.  He didn't send these."  I shoved the phone back at her and backed away.

"As you can see from the time stamp, no, sweetie, I am not lying."

She shoved the screen in my face again to which I saw that their most recent messages were from earlier today and about the wedding we were all still at.

Maggie sighed.  "Look, hun, Niall and I, we go way back.  Way back.  We have a long history and although it isn't always great in parts, it is those great parts that keep us together.  He and I are endgame, sweetie."

I shook my head, "I don't believe you."

She shrugged again, "Fine, don't believe me.  Just know that he will drop you just like that for me."

"No, he won't. You're lying. Niall isn't that guy."

"Yes, sweetie, he is," she said, inching her way closer to me, backing me into the wall. "I'm trying to tell you as nicely as I possibly can but I just can't anymore. He's using you. You mean absolutely nothing to him. A means to an end. That's all you are. These texts and pictures and videos should prove that to you. So, heed my warning, and get lost."

She stepped away from me, unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom. 

I immediately relocked the door and pressed my back against the cold wall.  Closing my eyes, all I saw in my mind was the video I had just been shown.  That video was real. 

My throat tightened. I couldn't breathe. The thought of him sending those things to her made me sick. But she had to be lying. The Niall I know wouldn't do anything like that. He wasn't using me. There was no way. And the way he acted when we saw her on the dance floor, told me he had no desire to see her. The look on his face, the contempt in his voice. All there. For her. She had to be lying. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes only to immediately open them again. That video, though, that was real. There's no way she could've faked that. Which meant the rest of it could be real, too. My head was reeling and I began to get a bit dizzy and faint. I needed air. I had to get out of there.

Unlocking the door, I walked out into the hallway and turned to exit for some fresh air so I could feel like I was breathing, when I saw him. He had his back to me but I could easily tell it was him.  He moved slightly and then I saw her.

I don't know what was being said but it looked intimate from my point of view. They were standing so close to each other. She kept touching him. I wanted to confront them both and catch her in the lie I was still certain she was spinning but I stopped in my tracks when I saw her kiss him.

My heart dropped in my chest and I could feel the tears rising in my eyes once more.  Without a second thought to see what would happen next, I turned and ran.

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