Chapter 8: A day in Hawks life part 2

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"Touya!" Keigo and Shoto call out worriedly as a gun is being pointed at his head onscreen.

"Daddy!" Hato calls out in fear.

"Fly away Hato!" Dabi grunts as his face is being pressed to the ground and quirk canceling cuffs click around his wrists.

Hatos pupils turn to slits with anger.

"Let my daddy go!" He yells angrily and flies towards them at top speed.

He shoots out his feathers and they pull the heroes away.

"He's so strong!" Hawks says in awe. Hato grins smugly.

Hato lands in front of his father, his feathers, lit up with blue flames, circle them like a protective shield.

The heroes stare shocked and surprised.

"What are we gonna do?"

"Knock him out midnight."

"No snipe! He's a kid! We can't attack a kid."

Snipe points his gun at Hato "do it or I will knock him out my way."

"Snipe no!" Eraserhead shouts angrily.

Hatos breath quickens with fear, his eyes widen slightly before he decides what to do.

He lets out his loudest, highest hawk shriek. The heroes Cover their ears while sinking to the ground and groaning in pain.

He snarls at the heroes, showing his razor-sharp raptor teeth.

"Leave my father alone!"

"Wow." Everyone stares in astonishment at the screen.

Hawks and Dabi grin proudly.

"Looks like we taught our baby well." Hawks says, Dabi looks smug and then they hug Hato.

"What the hell?!" The heroes stare confused.

"That's it!" Midnight yells annoyed and knocks Hato and Dabi out.

They put the quirk canceling cuffs on Hato and take them away in police cars.

The screen shows a very angry Hawks walking towards a police station. He slams open the doors and glares at the officer sitting in the front desk.

"Ooh the mother bird is angry." Touya and Hato grin.

Hawks blushes "shut up. I can't just suppress my instincts you know."

"I know birdie." Touya chuckles and peeks Hawks on the cheek.

"Can I help you?" The officer drawls annoyed.

"Yes, I'd like to know in which cell you put my son."

"Sorry, that's confidential."

"What?!" Hawks yells angrily while slamming his hands onto the front desk, his claws out "I'm his mother! Let me see him!"

"What is all this yelling about?" A new, deep voice asks.

The Todorokis tense.

Hawks turns around after putting on a fake smile "Endeavor! My buddy! You gotta help help out here. This officer won't let me in." He turns with a glare back to the officer.

Endeavor sighs "He's with me. I'm here to bail my son out."

The officer nods and opens the door. The two pro-heroes walk through.

They walk along a long hallway, doors to their left and right.

"So... I'm guessing you know about Touya?" Hawks asks nervously.

"Yes, he's all over the News, sadly. Your son as well." Endeavor says, sounding tired.

"Hehe, sorry for not telling you have a grandson, but seeing how you acted and treated your kids, me and my husband thought that it'd be the most logical thing to do." Hawks says, dripping with sarcasm.

It gets quiet again after that and they get lost in the hallways.

Hawks groans as they stand at yet another point where two hallways lead off from.

"I'll go left, you go right." Endeavor says. Hawks nods.

They part ways and, at the end of the hallway Hawks took, lies a big cell.


Hawks looks forward at the big cell as he hears a voice calling him. His eyes widen and he feels himself tear up from relief.

"My baby chicken!" He runs towards him and Hato tries to hug him through the bars, he's crying as well.

"I missed you!" He says.

"I missed you too! Are you hurt?"

Hato shakes his heads no.

Hawks sighs relieved. Then he orders him to step back. He does and Hawks slices the bars apart with a long feather.

Hato gets out and flies alongside his mother. Just as they walk back the way they came from an explosion sounds from the opposite hallway.

Voices echo.

"All right. Where's this idiot."

"He should be glad were getting him out! No, he shouldn't!"

"Uncle Shiggy!" Hato cheers.

They turn a corner and run into the league.

"Oi! What's the bird doing here?" Shigaraki asks confused.

"Hi Hawksie!" Toga greets him happily.

"I'm guessing you're looking for Dabi too?"

The league members nod.

"Why the fuck are you all here?! It's like a family reunion. First my dad and now you."

"Daddy!" Hato smiles happily.

"Touya! You're ok!" Hawks grins.

Before Dabi knows it he has his arms full of birds.

The others chuckle and as they hear policemen approaching they escape.

"Here's a Video of how I Imagine Rei and Teka each reacted to their grandchildren."

Everyone bursts out laughing.

"That's exactly how grandma reacted." Shosuke says while his cousins and sister are rolling on the floor with laughter

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