Chapter 12: Parents

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The screen continues playing and everyone watches excitedly.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings again. Sero opens the door this time and immediately a grin spreads on his face.

"Abuela!" He greets his grandmother, and they hug. His Abuela smiles and enters. She greets everyone with a wave and sits down on one of the couches where Sero introduces her to his friends.

The next time the doorbell rings Denki opens it and greets his parents cheerfully.
(A/n: For his parents I imagine those two electric heroes you can see, his mom in heroes rising during that car chase scene, it'd be great if someone knows her name! Otherwise, I'd just go with Hikari. idk where I saw the guy. He had like a black mask on and a cape I think but was also someone with an electric quirk).

Hikki cheers at seeing her grandparents.

Denki grins and Shinsou smiles softly at the two.

"You guys made it! Awesome!" He says and his parents chuckle "we wouldn't miss this for the world." His father says.

His mother looks around "Now where is this boyfriend you tell me about nonstop?"

Denki blushes and leads his parents to Shinsou who's talking with his father. Introductions are made and everyone smiles.

A few minutes later it's Kirishima who opens the door. He let's out a very manly squeal and tackles his mom's in a hug. His mother's laugh and hug him back just as tight.

"Hell Yeah my grandmas are so awesome!" Kazumi cheers.

"Wait, your grandma's?" Kirishima asks confused "I thought your last name is Bakugou."

"It is."

You can practically see the gears turning in Kirishimas head.

"Stupid dumbass!" Bakugou slaps him upside down the head "she's your daughter too! Did ya think I'd have a kid with someone other than you?!"

"Katsuki!" Kirishima sobs and tears up while hugging his boyfriend who scoffs at first but then pats his head.

Kazumi is cackling in her seat next to the two.

After their hug Kirishima introduces them to everyone.

"Guys, this is my mom Yua." He points at a black haired woman with sharp teeth wearing glasses and a suit. She's taller than Inko but not as tall as her wife.
"And this is my mama Sara." He points at a tall red headed woman wearing a black leather jacket, t-shirt, and ripped jeans. (I just looked names up cuz I couldn't think of any.)

Mitsuki gets up from where she was talking with Inko and greets the two.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Bakugou Mitsuki. The brat over there is my son Katsuki and that is my husband Masaru." She introduces herself and her family.

Kirishimas moms answer at the same time.

"It is so nice to meet you too. We've heard a lot about the Bakugous." Yua smiles kindly.

"Oh so that's the famous Katsuki we hear about 24/7." Sara grins slyly.

Eijirou blushes as does Katsuki while Mitsuki breaks out into a sly grin of her own.

The Kirishima and Bakugou off screen blush as well.

"Why don't you come sit with me and the other moms so we can share some stories." Mitsuki suggests.

"Hell yeah!" Sara fist pumps and she and Yua join the other mothers on the couches.

Kirishima goes over to Bakugou and hugs him from behind with an embarrassed whine while Bakugou scoffs.

"So Yua, Sara, what do you do for work?" Mitsuki asks.

"Well I am a Lawyer." Yua answers calmly.

"I'm the lead singer in a rock band!" Sara says proudly.

Jirous ears peak up at that. She goes over to Kirishima "your mom is a rock singer, and you didn't tell me?!"

"Well you didn't ask!" Kirishima panics at her furious glare.

The doorbell rings.

Jirou huffs and opens the door to let her parents in. They get along well immediately with Sara.

The Parents chat and one after another more people arrive.

The next time the doorbell rings Shoto opens it and smiles at his mother. But he looks confused at his siblings and in law and 2-year-old Hato.

"This is just for parents. What are you all doing here?" He asks confused.

"They wanted to come; I hope that's ok?" Rei asks calmly while looking at Aizawa. The teacher nods.

Fuyumi smiles at Shoto as she walks past him while Natsuo and Touya glare at him. In response Shoto does something very mature and sticks his tongue out at his brothers.

The brothers glare at each other and are about to argue but immediately stop when they feel their mothers ice cold look.

Rei is immediately pulled into conversation by Inko and Mitsuki.

Tokoyami greets his former mentor happily and Hato chirps excitedly at the fellow bird he sees as his big brother.

The girls can't help but aw at the toddler.

Hato blushes embarrassed. Meanwhile his dad cackles and Keigo glares at him.

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