Chapter 28: Pregnancy

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Hawks has been feeling off for a while now, a nagging sense of fatigue that seems to cling to him no matter how much rest he gets. At first, he chalks it up to the demands of his hero work, the late nights and early mornings taking their toll on his body.

Hato grins, leaning into his mother's side "Nah mama, its me."

Hawks sighs exasperatedly "I know Hato..."

But as the days pass, he can't shake the feeling that something is different, that there's a weight pressing down on him that goes beyond mere exhaustion. His appetite has changed too, strange cravings for foods he never liked before, and bouts of nausea that seem to strike at the most inconvenient times.

It's Tokoyami who first voices his suspicions, a concerned look in his shadowy eyes as he observes Hawks' unusual behavior. "Are you feeling alright, Hawks?" he asks tentatively, his voice tinged with worry.

Hawks brushes off his students concerns with a forced smile, but deep down, he can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. So, with a sense of trepidation, he makes his way to the pharmacy, wearing a disguise, and purchases a pregnancy test, feeling a sense of absurdity wash over him as he stands in line with the other customers.

Back at his apartment, Hawks sits on the edge of his bed, staring down at the small plastic stick in his hand. His heart races with anticipation; his palms clammy with sweat as he prepares himself for the moment of truth.

As he waits for the results to appear, Hawks can't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over him. What if he isn't ready for this? What if he isn't cut out to be a father? The doubts and fears swirl around his mind, threatening to consume him whole.

Touya hits Keigo upside down the head "Don't you even dare think like that songbird!"

But then, as the seconds tick by, the lines on the test begin to appear, faint at first, but growing stronger with each passing moment. And in that moment, as Hawks gazes down at those two little lines, his world shifts on its axis.

"Told you!" Hato grins cheekily.

Hawks stands frozen, staring at the positive pregnancy test in his hand. His heart pounds wildly, and a wave of panic washes over him. How could this happen? he thinks frantically, his mind racing with a million questions. He had always been careful, always vigilant, especially with the Commission watching his every move.

Touya squeezes his mates hand tighter.

But now, faced with the undeniable truth displayed on the small plastic stick, he feels like his whole world is crashing down around him. He couldn't possibly bring a child into this world, not with his dangerous lifestyle, not with the constant scrutiny from the Commission, and certainly not with a villain's baby.

Fear clenches his chest, squeezing the breath from his lungs. What would the Commission do if they found out? Would they force him to abort the baby, or worse, take the child away from him to train as another child soldier?

Hawks sinks to the floor, overwhelmed by the weight of it all. His hands shake as he clutches the pregnancy test, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He feels trapped, suffocated by the knowledge of what's growing inside him.

Hato casts a worried glance at his mother, his expression filled with concern. "Mom..."

Keigo dismisses his son's worry with a gentle wave, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head. "I'm fine, Hato."

But amidst the fear and uncertainty, a tiny spark of hope flickers to life. Despite everything, despite the risks and the dangers, Hawks can't ignore the faint glimmer of excitement that tingles in the depths of his soul. Deep down, beneath the layers of doubt and fear, he knows that this baby is his, and no matter what the future holds, he'll do everything in his power to protect them.

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