Chapter 32: first meetings and goodbyes

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"Now, Hato, you get to see the first time you met the league!"


As the League gathers for their usual meeting, there's an air of anticipation and excitement buzzing through the room. Dabi, ever the proud father, has finally decided it's time for Hato, his and Hawks son, to meet the rest of the League.

Hato, now a few months old, is cradled in Dabi's arms as he and Hawks enter the room. His bright eyes dart around curiously, taking in the unfamiliar faces and surroundings. He's dressed in a tiny onesie adorned with little bird prints, a testament to his avian heritage.

As Dabi introduces Hato to each member of the League, there's a collective chorus of cooing and awe. Toga rushes forward, unable to contain her excitement as she reaches out to gently stroke Hato's cheek. "Oh my gosh, he's so adorable!" she squeals, her eyes shining with affection.

Twice is quick to follow suit, bouncing on his heels as he leans in to get a closer look at the newest addition to the League family. "Hey there, little guy!" he chirps, his voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "Welcome to the League!"

Spinner offers a more subdued greeting, but the soft smile on his face speaks volumes. He nods in acknowledgment as Dabi introduces Hato, silently conveying his approval and support.

Shigaraki, ever the stoic leader, observes the scene with a hint of amusement in his eyes. He doesn't say much, but there's a subtle softening in his demeanor as he watches Hato interact with the rest of the League.

As the meeting progresses, Hato becomes the center of attention, with each member of the League vying for his affections. He giggles and coos in response, completely unaware of the significance of the moment.

For Hawks, seeing his son welcomed with open arms by the League fills him with a sense of gratitude and relief. In that moment, he knows that no matter what challenges lie ahead, Hato will always have a family to support and protect him.

"Now, how about the first time you met your uncle Natsuo?"

"YESSSS!" Hato cheers, excited, his uncle Natsuo never told him how.

As Mirko and Hawks gear up for their patrol, they realize they have a scheduling conflict. Mirko usually takes care of 3 month old Hato during this time, but with their joint patrol, they're in a bind.

Dabi, overhearing their dilemma, steps in with a solution. "Don't worry about it. We've got it covered," he says with a reassuring smile. "The League will babysit Hato tonight."

Hawks hesitates, his protective instincts kicking in. "Are you sure?" he asks, worry etched on his face.

Dabi nods confidently. "Absolutely. We'll take good care of him. Right, guys?" he says, turning to the rest of the League.

Toga nods enthusiastically from where she is hanging backwards over the couch. "Of course! We'll have a blast with little Hato."

Twice grins, next to Toga. "Yeah! We'll make sure he's entertained the whole time."

Spinner nods in agreement. "Consider it done. Hato will be in good hands."

Reluctantly, Hawks agrees, knowing he can trust the League to keep his son safe. "Okay, but call me if anything happens," he says, his tone firm.

With that settled, Mirko and Hawks head out for their patrol, leaving Hato in the care of the League. As they watch them leave, Dabi turns to the others with a determined look. "Alright, let's show my son a good time tonight. We've got this."

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