Chaoter 26: Arashi Todoroki

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"Pause for a moment, everyone," the dimension princess announces, her voice carrying an air of mystery. "We're about to welcome another participant to our midst."

The room fills with a palpable sense of anticipation, eyes wide as the space before them starts to shimmer with an incandescent glow.

With a burst of scintillating light that temporarily blinds the onlookers, the figure of a young boy materializes.

As the brilliance fades, a 16-year-old boy stands confidently among them. His presence immediately commands attention, an intriguing addition to the ensemble.

A chorus of delighted voices breaks the silence as Hato, Setsuko, Itsuki, and Shosuke recognize the newcomer.

"Arashi!" they call out in unison, their voices interweaving with warmth.

In a burst of affection, they dash across the room, enveloping him in an exuberant group hug that nearly lifts him off his feet.

Laughter bubbles up from Arashi, genuine and infectious, as he returns their embrace with equal fervor.

"Hey, everyone! Didn't expect such a welcoming committee," he exclaims, his joy at this reunion shining through.

Their camaraderie radiates throughout the room, a vibrant testament to the bonds they share.

Rei Todoroki tilts her head, intrigue written all over her face. "And who might you be, young man?" she inquires, her voice laced with the gentle cadence of curiosity.

With a charismatic flair, the boy flashes a wide grin and greets her enthusiastically. "Hello, Grandma!" he exclaims, giving her a jaunty wave that instantly endears him to the room.

A collective gasp of realization echoes around the gathered individuals, each person connecting the dots in astonishment.

Hato gently prompts, his eyes alight with fondness for his kin. "Go on, Arashi. Share a bit about yourself. Our audience here is a glimpse from the past," he says, gesturing to the members of Class 1-A, the League of Villains, and their own family.

Seizing the moment with a beaming smile, Arashi obliges. "Pleasure to meet you all! I'm Todoroki Arashi, 16 and thriving in my second year at UA High!" His introduction is delivered with an infectious enthusiasm that brightens the entire room.

"And your parents?" Rei's voice is tinged with warmth and a hint of wonder, already proud of the lineage before her.

Without missing a beat, Arashi replies, "My mama is Todoroki Fuyumi, and my other mom is Rumi Usagiyama."

Upon hearing this, Mirko, none other than the Pro Hero Rabbit Hero herself, lets out an exultant cheer, her vibrant energy shaking the room.

"Hell yeah! That’s our boy!" She boasts proudly, the pride in her voice unmistakable.

Fuyumi, her cheeks tinged with a soft pink, smiles tenderly, her eyes reflecting her joy. "I hear you, Rumi," she responds, the affection in her voice wrapping around the room like a warm embrace.

Endeavor's eyes widen, a flicker of surprise passing through them before his gaze shifts toward Mirko, hardening with a protective edge.

"You're involved with my daughter?" he inquires, his voice deep with a father's caution.

Unfazed by the intensity of Endeavor's scrutiny, Mirko meets his gaze squarely, her posture relaxed yet unmistakably assured. "Yes, sir," she confirms, her confident smile unwavering as she casually folds her arms.

Fuyumi steps in, her voice gentle but firm, "Dad, please, it's okay." She intertwines her fingers with Mirko's, their hands clasped in a united front.

Rei's touch is light on Endeavor's arm, a silent but powerful reminder of compassion and understanding. "Let's give our attention back to the viewing," she suggests softly, her presence a calming force.

With a deep, measured breath, Endeavor acquiesces, his posture relaxing as he concedes to his wife's wisdom.

Settling back into their seats, the room's focus returns to the screen, anticipation hanging in the air as the story of their future unfolds.

In the bustling heart of the Todoroki family home, a scene of delightful chaos unfolds as the Todoroki cousins—Hato, Setsuko, Arashi, Itsuki, and Shosuke—embrace a rare day of collective mischief, momentarily forgetting the weight of their heroic legacies.

The kitchen becomes the epicenter of their antics. Arashi, with his 'Frost Hopper' quirk, decides it's a good idea to turn the tiled floor into a makeshift ice rink. Laughter echoes as Itsuki and Shosuke, armed with their respective fire and ice quirks, join in. Itsuki mischievously cranks up the heat, creating steam clouds that billow around them, while Shosuke counters with blasts of frost, aiming for their eldest cousin, Hato.

"Do these happen often?" Fyumi asks worriedly. Touya and Natsuo are trying to suppress their laughter at their sisters cold stare.

Shotos eyes sparkle "that looks fun!"

"Shoto no."

"Shoto yes!"

Hato, usually more reserved due to his dual heritage of fire and fierce wings, can't help but join the fray. He flaps his wings, sending gusts that scatter the steam and ice, turning the kitchen into a scene reminiscent of a mild weather storm. Amid the chaos, Setsuko's laughter rings out as she watches, her decay quirk at the ready to dissolve any ice that gets too close, ensuring their play doesn't result in any lasting damage.

"Alright, who wants to slide the fastest?" Arashi challenges, his eyes gleaming with competitive spirit. In no time, a contest ensues, with each cousin taking turns sliding across the ice, cheered on by the others. The game is full of slips, slides, and laughter, their quirks colliding in harmless fun.

"ME!" Mirko, Touya and Natsuo yell in union.

Just as Shosuke sets a new record, slipping and sliding with remarkable grace, the sound of footsteps heralds the arrival of their parents.
The cousins freeze, a collective "Uh-oh" filling the air as they glance at each other, realizing the chaos they've unleashed.

Fuyumi steps in first, her eyes widening at the sight before her, followed closely by a chuckling Mirko and a bemused Rei.

Endeavor, with his usual stern expression, can't help but crack a smile at the joyous pandemonium.

Even Dabi, standing at the doorway, lets out a rare, genuine laugh, shaking his head at the sight of their combined offspring.

"Looks like we're having an indoor winter wonderland," Mirko quips, stepping onto the ice with ease, her agility never failing her.

"YEAH!" the cousins cheer.

Fuyumi sighs, a warm smile playing on her lips. "I guess it's pizza for dinner again," she declares, knowing full well the kitchen is now a no-go zone for cooking.

The cousins cheer even louder.

As the evening wears on, the cousins help to clear the icy mess, their shared efforts a testament to their bond—a mix of rivalry, camaraderie, and unconditional support. As they settle down for dinner, the room filled with chatter and shared stories, it's clear that these moments of chaos are the threads that weave the fabric of their unique, unbreakable family bond.

In this whirlwind of a day, the Todoroki cousins not only managed to turn an ordinary afternoon into an extraordinary adventure but also deepened the connections that bind them, proving that amidst the chaos lies the beauty of sibling-like love and unity.

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