Chapter 11: aftermath

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"Alright, what you'll see next will follow right after what you've seen last." The Dimension princess explains.

After the little incident everyone sat down in their seats, each with a plate of breakfast in their hands.

The screen lights up.

After Mailin had taken everyone down the Pro heroes and police arrest every villain and they are brought to the nearest prisons.

After that Class 1-A returns to their dorms and their classes return to normal while trials are being held.

We can see the trials playing on TV.

Dabi is being brought in as well as the rest of the Todoroki family.

It is a short trial because Endeavor cooperates, and he is put behind bars. Before he got arrested he bought a new house for his family to live in.

The Todoroki family cheers and the rest smile, happy for them.

Rei is charged out of the hospital and moves into the new house with her children. Natsuo and Shoto of course continue to live in their respective dorms.

Hawks visits Touya in Tartarus with Hato.

Dabi makes a deal with the judges, in exchange for valuable information he's allowed to join the villain rehabilitation progamme Nedzu started.

(A/n: I know this doesn't really line up with 'A day in Hawks life' but let's just pretend it does 😅)

The information he gives them shocks everyone. The commission is immediately shut down and Hawks handlers are put behind bars as well.

Hawks tries to hide behind his wings as onscreen shows Dabi giving the judge pictures of how the Handlers treated Hawks.

Touya comforts him by stroking his feathers, something he knows will calm his bird.

Shigaraki, after some convincing, is allowed to take part in the villain rehabilitation progamme as well.

The judges in charge allowed Shigaraki and Dabi this under the condition that they are to wear quirk canceling bracelets at all times.

Except of course when they're training to control their quirks with Eraserhead.

Aizawa groans "great more work for me."

They will live in dorms in which each room is like a little apartment with a small bathroom and kitchen.

Hawks himself moves into a different apartment, one that is not under surveillance of his handlers 24/7.

He and Hato visit Touya daily who has undergone surgery to remove his dead skin and replace them with healthy skin.

It has now been a few months and 1-A's second year started.

"That sounds like a nice future." Midoriya smiles. Shoto nods and Midoriya cuddles closer to his boyfriend while their classmates agree with Midoriya.

It is Saturday, the students of class 1-A are busy cleaning their dorms.

Their parents will be coming over tomorrow for parent day. This was planned by Nedzu for one to show the parents how safe their students are in the dorms and to help lessen their complaints.

The next morning the students have gathered in the common room, waiting.

Midoriya is surprised as he comes downstairs with his boyfriend to find a rather quiet Bakugou in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Dad is usually this quiet when he is nervous because of something." Kazumi says.

He walks over and sits down on a stool next to Kirishima at the kitchen counter "Ooh, are you making breakfast Kacchan?" Midoriya asks excitedly "Can I have some?"

"No, it's not for you." Bakugou answers calmly, which shocks Midoriya even more.

"He's nervous because he'll be meeting my mom's today, so he is stress cooking and wants to impress them with breakfast. As to why he is so quiet, he is trying to look calmer, to not come off as too rude." Kirishima whispers as explanation. Midoriya nods, understanding.

"Have you already met Auntie Mitsuki, Kirishima?"

The Red head nods "Yeah, she's awesome and super nice. His father is very kind, and so different from his wife and son."

Midoriya chuckles. Kirishima turns back to his stressed boyfriend.

"Babe, Honey, Sweetie, you gotta calm down. My moms are gonna love you! I know it!" Kirishima says encouragingly.

When Bakugou doesn't react, he tries a different approach.
"Princess. Calm down." Bakugou freezes at the nickname while his cheek turn red.

The door of the dorms opens and Aizawa enters.

"Good morning Problem children."

He gets a choruses of good mornings in return.

"I see you've cleaned everything. Your parents should arrive shortly. Well, one parent is already here, I guess. Isn't that right Hitoshi? I hope you cleaned your room as well?" Aizawa asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I did." Shinsou says from where he is cuddling with Kaminari on the couch.

"Good, Good. You know how your mother gets if everything is messy." Aizawa and Shinsou shudder in fear.

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Midoriya says, gets up and goes to the door to open it.

"Mom! Auntie! Uncle! Hi, come in." Midoriya greets them cheerfully.

Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru enter.

Midoriya hugs his mother, then his Aunt and Uncle.

"Izuku, sweetie, how are you? Let me look at you. I hope you're eating well." Inko looks at her son worriedly.

"I'm fine mom." Izuku says through squished cheeks.

"Izuku, so good to see you honey." Mitsuki smiles at him. Midoriya smiles back.

"Now where is my brat? Katsuki?! Why don't you hug your mother as a welcome?!"

"Shut up you old hag! I'm busy!"

"Yeah, busy making breakfast to impress his in laws!" Midoriya grins smugly.

"Shut up Deku!" Bakugou yells back while blushing.

"Sorry Mrs. Bakugou, He's stress-cooking right now." Kirishima says while walking up to them.

"Oh, Eijirou sweetie, come here! Give your future mother-in-law a hug!" Mitsuki grins and Kirishima happily hugs her. He then greets Masaru "Hello Mr. Bakugou." And hugs him as well.

Masaru smiles at Kirishima "how many more times to we have to tell you, you can call us by our first names." Mitsuki nods agreeing and Kirishima blushes embarrassed "sorry"

"I'll go check on Katsuki." Masaru goes into the kitchen.

"Why don't you come sit with me Mitsuki?" Kirishima asks her. The woman nods and the two sit down in front of the kitchen counter.

Midoriya sits with his mother on one of the couches after Shoto greeted her as well.

Everyone else is anxiously waiting for their parents.

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