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Two individuals paired together to solve a set of murders that had been going around after the revolution ended, with different backgrounds and lifestyles. There are a few problems, however, one of which is that they both hate two separate things. Androids and humans. What makes this a problem... is that both are the thing they hate most.

An android model known as GV800 was sent to the Detroit Police Department in order to help solve the crimes caused by hate crimes against his own kind. The problem is that he was trained to fight Androids, more specifically deviants. He's been in several fights and seldom lost a single one despite all of the scarring he received.

Then there is the human, well-known by the name of Conan Stern, alternatively called Nines. The commanding, dedicated man that originally was taking the cases with himself and his brother Connor, and Connor's android named Hank. This was before Connor was shot and took leave to stay in the hospital while leaving his little brother to work the case alone. Hank wanted to stay by Connor's side loyally, or that they'd been attached by the hip for quite a while.

These two solo detectives are partnered up together and are sent off separately to the first crime scene of the night. This is where they fatefully meet and despise each other in the beginning before they slowly become strong partners.

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