Later That Night

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ThirdWhen they'd had enough of each other they all split off, Eren walking to his car as a sigh escaped his lips

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When they'd had enough of each other they all split off, Eren walking to his car as a sigh escaped his lips. He felt his stomach churning with anguish as the thought of driving home alone filtered through his head. He felt bad about how he broke things off with Peter, but the android had it coming with the way he'd been recently. He climbed into the driver seat and turned the car on, waving to Connor and Hank as he began pulling out of the driveway. He passed by Nines' car and slowed to a stop, rolling the window down. "Gavin's a good kid. Give him a better chance." With that, he pulled forward and started heading towards New Jericho. At every stoplight, he felt more relieved, parking in a space and stepping out into the living room.

Meanwhile, Gavin had reorganized his room and sat on his bed, curious as to what pretending to sleep would feel like. Twenty minutes later he heard the front door open and heavy footsteps entering before the front door was shut and locked. He heard someone begin to speak soothingly, Eren's voice echoing softly. "I'm home, Gavin. Goodnight." Eren walked to the couch and slumped down, lifting his laptop into his lap as he began shutting off all contact with Peter's android body. He closed the laptop and lifted his legs onto the couch, closing his eyes as he tried to sleep.

"Goodnight, Eren," Gavin called back from around the bedroom door, opening it to peek out at the man. He saw his eyes opening and closing in a disturbed quiet. "Are you alright?" He entered the living room and sat down on the couch next to the man.

"To be completely honest with you. No. I just broke up with my boyfriend. I just can't handle him anymore. He's changed in ways that I can't explain. Ways that negatively affected our relationship and were part of the cause of the eminent downfall. I really cared about him, he was there for me when I thought I had nobody. And now I'm all alone." He looked blankly towards his closed laptop on the table. Gavin gently took the man's left hand in both of his.

"But I'm here. You have me." Eren turned to look at him and the duo simply shared a moment of silence before Gavin looked away. "And you have Parker. She was curled in my bed earlier when I came home, would you like me to get her for you?"

"No, no I'm alright. Thank you, Gavin." The male gently took both of Gavin's hands into his. "I really appreciate you." He lets go of Gavin and the Android nods, "I should let you get to bed. You have a long day tomorrow."

"I don't work tomorrow, so I won't have anything to do. I can stay here with you in the morning if you would like."

"Nah, I'll be okay. I will call my superior tomorrow morning and let him know the situation and put me with a new partner. Peter never really was meant for police work. He's not an actual GD model. He's a household android that was brainwashed into thinking he was a GD model. Serial code swap and everything. We found him like that." He smiled quietly before closing his eyes tightly. "Goodnight Gavin."

"Goodnight, Eren." Gavin turned away and walked back to his bedroom, closing the door and climbing into his bed. He leaned back and felt the soft fabric of the bed beneath him. His processors suddenly pulled Nines into view, the soft-looking brown hair and his icy eyes hovering above him. The way he frowned at anything wrong and the small smirk that his lips would curl into. Even the small dimple that was on one side whenever he'd start to smile. Gavin found himself smiling a little at the holographic version of him. He really liked this man it seemed, more than he'd be willing to admit.

The said brunette was driving home, eyes moving smoothly over the road with a certain android clouding his mind. The idea of Gavin sitting in the passenger seat, head resting comfortably on his balled-up fist as he peered out the window. His soft brown locks and his grey eyes glanced at him from time to time. Suddenly the male began to feel an ache for his partner's presence. To see him sitting there, or being at his home to discuss reports. The feeling of his softly textured skin as he rubbed his finger along it. Keeping Gavin on his knees while he sucked... Nines shook his head, taking in a deep breath. "We don't think of people like that. He's a co-worker. Nothing more and nothing less. That'll never happen, I promise myself that." He pulled into his usual parking space and began his way to his apartment.

He began opening his door, both cats meowing ferociously at their owner returning home so late in the day. He pawed at his pants, making it known they missed him and were hungry. He smiled as he crouched down slightly to rub their heads.

"Hey babies~ Sorry I'm home so late, I was visiting my big brothers..." He closed the door and walked to the kitchen, being followed closely by the pitter-patter of their tiny little feet. He chuckled as he poured the cat food into separate bowls and offered one to each as they happily ate next to the other.

He looked around his home as a sigh escaped his lips, they wouldn't have work for tomorrow. They'd only be there if needed. Nines caught himself frowning through the reflection in a glass vase. He rather liked seeing Gavin every morning, his snarky attitude, and how he initiated confrontation until it got too bad. It would only be for a day though, then he'd be in the same car driving around with him like usual. Being able to admire the way he looked at him, touch his shoulder or arm any chance he got.

He walked to the laundry part of his home, stripping off his shirt and pants before tossing them into the basket and walking into the bathroom in his small clothes only. He began to brush his teeth, get into the shower to bathe, and then dry his hair quickly. Once he had finished he walked to his bedroom, eyes falling onto the soft sheets that awaited him. Two cats cuddled on the other side of the bed, meowing as a greeting when he stepped closer.

"Hello, you two..." He gingerly rubbed their head again and climbed into the bed, pulling the covers over his lap as he pulled his cats to his chest. He'd left his phone on the nightstand plugged in, which he'd done right after stripping away his clothes. In the darkness, he could hardly be seen as he snuggled with his small cats.

Connor was busy rambling on to Hank about what the get-together should appear as. Hank wanted to explain the same thing Eren had earlier, but he'd have none of it. He wanted it to be special, now here he was sitting outside in the back with a cigarette in hand.

"Lieutenant..." Hank warned, stepping closer. "You really shouldn't be smoking." Connor sent him a small glance, putting the cigarette back into his mouth and breathing in. He blew the smoke away from both of them, placing it back on his bottom lip. "Lieutenant..."

"Make me."

"As you wish." Connor squealed as Hank moved closer, lips touching his as their tongues worked together. It went like this for a moment longer before Hank pulled away with the cigarette sitting on his tongue. He spit it into the grass and stepped on it, turning back to a dark red Connor. "No more."

All Connor could do was nod his head up and down. His face grew darker as his heart pounded in his chest. "Y-yeah..." He giggled quietly as Hank led him inside, pulling him to the couch to watch a movie.

" He giggled quietly as Hank led him inside, pulling him to the couch to watch a movie

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