Their Café Date

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ThirdWhen they walked in Nines squeezed Gavin's hand gently, leaning over to place a kiss on his temple

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When they walked in Nines squeezed Gavin's hand gently, leaning over to place a kiss on his temple. "I promise I won't ruin this..." Gavin smiled shyly, leaning into the taller male. He let his eyes wander around them, feeling the body heat that Nines gave off. He found himself pressing closer to the tall brunette.

Nines' hand felt warm against the cool skin of Gavin's hand. He shifted, leaning forward and watching the man happily. As Nines ordered a coffee his eyes fell on his lover's face. He found himself smiling at the idea of Gavin sitting next to him, pressing into his side. He loved this idea. His promise flashed before his eyes, the promise he made a few days ago against being with his partner.

He pushed that aside as he pulled Gavin to one of the tables. "Shouldn't we be heading-"

"We have plenty of time. Don't worry." He ushered Gavin to sit across the table from him, holding his hand in his while he took a sip of his coffee. "Considering how late Connor or Eren would show up... We've got time..."

"But I thought you didn't like being late..." Gavin retorted, eyes moving to their hands as a tiny smile found his lips. Nines watched curiously as the skin on Gavin's hand retracted as his sign of affection.

"I picked you up about two hours early. We have way too much time~" Nines took a long drink of his coffee and sighed, ice blue eyes watching Gavin play with their locked hands. His smile grew slightly when Nines squeezed his hand, earning Gavin's full attention.

"I... I like this... Us together like this..." Gavin replied with a small smile. "I'd like to do this more often..."

"As would I..." Nines pulled their hands closer and to his lips, delicately brushing over Gavin's knuckles. Blue dusted lightly over Gavin's cheeks and nose, eyes turning away from the male. "Is something wrong?"

Gavin's LED flickered yellow and he bit his bottom lip, "We... Were just assigned a homicide..." Nines sighed, kissing Gavin's knuckles again before standing and gingerly pulling Gavin to his feet. "I guess we'll need to pretend we don't like each other then...?" His small statement half question broke something inside of Nines.

"No we can-"

But Gavin cuts him off by continuing. "You don't wanna come out to people and I get that... You don't have to try and make me feel better..." He took his hand back and wrapped his arms around himself loosely.

"Gav..." Nines began, moving to block the android's path. "I don't care what people think okay? This is us. That's why I wanted to bring you here, so show everyone that I'm not scared to be with you. That I'm not a coward..." Gavin looked into his eyes before leaning up and pressing his lips to Nines' sweetly, feeling one of Nines' warm arms wrap around his lower back and pull him closer.

Gavin's hands moved to wrap around the taller male's neck while their lips moved equally before pulling apart. Nines smiled shyly and cleared his throat. "So that homicide...?" Gavin asked softly.

Nines cleared his throat again and let the android go, "Ah, y-yeah. Let's go." With that, he climbed into his side of the car while Gavin got into the passenger side. The two readied themselves mentally for the scene as Nines began the short drive. "I wish we'd have had more time to talk... I wanted to make a few things clear..."

"We have time..." Gavin spoke up, turning in the seat to address the situation.

Nines bit the inside of his cheek before nodding. "I'm a little nervous about coming out to the other officers... I mean I don't know how they'll react... They didn't take too kindly to Eren or Connor dating androids... Well... Not even about them being androids... My family has been ridiculed for being gay for a few years now..."

"Nines..." Gavin whispered his name gently.

He continued on anyway, "I guess I'm just not ready for them to finally turn their harsh gazes onto me... I mean Eren started fighting back and throwing hands when he found out they were insulting Connor... He'd do the same for me and I'm sure of that... still..." He trailed off and turned the wheel. "I want this. I want what we can have together... I just don't know if I'm ready to be open about it..."

"It's okay Nines... I... I get it..." Gavin replied shyly, turning to look out the window.

"I'm sure you want to leave now that it's in the open and I'm sorry that I've made the mood sour again... I seem to do that a lot..." Nines began his little ramble as Gavin spared him a glance. "I'm sorry for hurting you and yelling at you... I'm sorry for making it seem like you're just some plaything when in reality that's not true... I'm sorry that-"

Gavin cut him off by wrapping his right hand around the male's throat after shifting in the seat to sit in his lap. Nines gasped and leaned into the warm palm as he continued to look over his shoulder while driving. "Now now~ Be a good boy~"

Nines shuddered at the filthy thoughts that filled his head, the way Gavin's body shifted down on him as he grew harder. He growled softly to show his dominance while Gavin squeezed his throat a little tighter. He bucked his hips upwards and into Gavin, who smirked in his playful manner. He leaned closer and adjusted his hand, lips brushing the sensitive skin of Nines' neck.

The man shuddered and leaned closer, the rough hands gripping the steering wheel tighter. Gavin's removed his hand and let it rub down his chest and to his pants. He growled a warning and pushed up into Gavin's palm. "Careful what you ask for sweetheart." He growled seductively and slowed the car down.

"Should I stop then?" Gavin asked shyly, leaning back while continuing to palm Nines through his pants.

The said male groaned softly and pushed into his hand, "It's up to you baby~" He purred sweetly and watched with lidded eyes as Gavin climbed into his seat and leaned close to the male.

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