The Second Day Off Pt. 2

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ThirdNines pet the top of the small cat's head, looking over Gavin's face calmly

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Nines pet the top of the small cat's head, looking over Gavin's face calmly. "We're alone now..."

"I need to get going," Gavin replied, moving to walk away from him.

"Gavin, please. Please we need to talk about yesterday..." The kitten mewed as Gavin turned sheepishly back to him. Nines sighed softly, and a small curly strand of his chocolate hair fell onto his forehead. "I do like you... I've liked you for a long while... Whenever I'm next to you I feel safe and loved... Without you, I'm left all alone..."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have shoved me away like garbage." Gavin snapped back, looking away and crossing his arms over his chest. Nines sighed and dragged Gavin's unconsenting body to his chest and held him tightly.

"I didn't mean to shove you like I did. I should have kept the kiss going. I shouldn't have cared what my brothers thought about it. What I want from us is special Gavin... Please give me a chance..."

"You'll continue to push me around, won't you? That's all you seem to do with me... Yet you want me to stay? Why should I?" His steel eyes narrowed and Nines felt his heart begin to break. The kitten mewed again and he looked down at the small thing.

"Because our child needs you." Gavin's eyes sparked with something Nines couldn't register. Gavin gingerly petted the kitten, who purred and rubbed against the synthetic skin happily.

"Our?" Asked Gavin sheepishly, a light blue dusting across his cheeks. "Lilith, is our child now?"

Nines smiled shyly, nodding and leaning forward with a vengeance. His lips caught the androids hungrily, though lessened into a more calm and loving kiss. Gavin smiled slightly against the male's lips, leaning into the touch and cupping the much taller man's face in his hands.

"What's going on out here? I didn't realize you were such a disgusting gay Conan." The said male ripped away from the kiss, leaving Gavin both confused and slightly hurt. Nines opened his mouth to protest, but the woman continued. "I bet you just want the experience. You're not even interested in such an ugly thing. An android no less."

Gavin's heart sank into his stomach. This girl was much more attractive than he was, with bright blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Small freckles dusted over her features as she batted her eyes at Gavin's... well he wasn't sure what Nines was to him anymore. He bit his bottom lip as tears pricked his eyes, looking away to hide his face completely from view as a single tear ran down his synthetic cheek.

"You know~ I'm looking for some company tonight if you'd like to join me~" The woman winked at him and Nines halted, unsure of what this woman wanted from him. He knew what she was asking, but didn't want to let her have her way with him. She wasn't even that pretty. Not like Gavin in the slightest. His beautiful boy.

"I'm sorry." He pulled Gavin into his chest, gingerly passing the kitten back to him. He saw the tears and began to wipe them away, kissing under his eyes to help him feel better. "But my boyfriend and I need to be on our way. You'll have to go find a man who likes whores." With that he began to lead Gavin towards the house, pushing him inside and turning to see the woman throw a tantrum while walking away.

Gavin stopped in the entryway, looking at Nines again. "Boyfriend?"

"It was just an excuse..." Nines replied without thinking of the drawbacks.

"Excuse...? Excuse... Yeah... That's all it is..." Gavin petted the small cat and walked away with his head aimed down. As he entered the living room he was almost thrown to the floor by a dog. The large Saint Bernard licked at his face and sniffed the kitten curiously before giving it a gentle lick and laying on Gavin's lap.

The kitten's head lifted and she climbed from Gavin's arms and onto the dog, sniffing him curiously before curling into a ball on his back. Gavin began to cry quietly. Being hugged suddenly from behind, someone's forehead pressed against his shoulder.

"Leave me alone..."

"I don't want to..." Nines replied, letting out a small sniffle. He scooted to sit in front of Gavin with watery eyes that nearly made him blind. "I love you, Gavin. I swear to god I do..."

"No, you don't. If you loved me it wouldn't be some fucking excuse." Gavin retorted, petting the large dog sadly. His eyes softened as the dog lifted his head to lick Gavin's face again. When he finally got his face back he looked just in time to watch Eren suplex his little brother from somewhere in the room.

Connor sat on the couch, watching the situation unfold with a calmness Gavin couldn't understand. He scanned the male, seeing that he'd been drinking for a little bit and yet wasn't drunk yet. Must have only recently started drinking. He looked back to see the genuine fight unfold fully.

Eren's slender fingers wrapped delicately around his baby brother's throat while Nines clawed at his wrists in pain, face already beginning to lose color. "E-Eren! Stop! You'll kill him!" Gavin shouted, his LED spinning dark red. Nines sent him a horrified glance, the realization that Eren wasn't planning this as a game and that he was about to kill him.

A slap reverberated throughout the room as a dark pink mark grew on Nines' cheek. Eren stood up and cracked his knuckles, pointing down at the brunette as if he were a dog in trouble. "You're a fucking idiot."

Nines held his throat, bruises already forming on the skin. This brought an idea to Eren, making him look between the two men as the idea unfolded fully. He turned back to Connor and they maintained eye contact for five minutes without either men blinking. Finally, Connor nodded, permitting whatever Eren wanted to do.

The black-haired male kicked Nines' leg lightly and ruffled Gavin's hair sweetly, walking from the room and into the kitchen. The sound of glass being pushed around filled everyone's ears as Hank began talking with Eren quietly and out of ear shot.

"What are you doing?"

"I've got an idea. It's a very stupid idea, but I know it'll work. Trust the process."

"Isn't that how you got shot?" (2024 me: Damn bruh)

"Isn't that how you failed to save Connor from getting shot?" Eren snapped back, snapping his head in the android's direction as if he had broken his own neck. Hank's mouth went dry and he couldn't think of a response. Eren's head snapped back to Nines' favorite alcohol. "Didn't think so. We'll need five more bottles of this in particular for Nines alone. Okay?"

"Yes of course..." Hank replied, scanning the information and ordering the alcohol.

"Grand. Two more days."

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