One Day Left

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ThirdGavin sat next to a sleeping Eren

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Gavin sat next to a sleeping Eren. Over yesterday he'd moved in with the raven-haired man. All his belongings had been moved and his home was given up to a family of androids who needed it much more than either of the two of them. Gavin noticed Piper curled into a ball in Eren's chest. It made him feel more at ease with everything going on recently. Gavin smiled and stood up, pausing when the front door was knocked upon. Lucielle, Eren's household android who had deviated much long before the revolution, popped her head into the room briefly to see Eren sleeping. She nodded and walked to the front door, twisting the knob to greet the possible friend.

Nines stood there, hands behind his back. "I was hoping my brother was finally home?"

The android simply nodded, opening the door wider for him to enter as she stepped aside. "Welcome Mr. Stern."

Nines entered and followed her to the living room, spotting the duo there. Gavin was petting the Doberman that had trotted over to him. The large dog turned his head to watch Nines cautiously before walking over for attention. Gavin looked up at him, shyly folding his hands together.

"Gavin..." Nines' voice was softer now, eyes opening further to show both surprise and happiness. He stepped over and embraced the android in a gentle, loving hug. He buried his face in Gavin's neck and the shorter male rubbed the taller male's back. "I've missed you so badly... You didn't come to work today..."

"Work doesn't start until another hour later Nines..." The tall brunette pulled away and scratched the back of his neck shyly.

"I-I know. I just... I was hoping we could sit together in a Café or something... If you'd like that I mean..." He stuttered over his words to the point his face grew a medium pink as he kicked at his feet.

"Like a date?"


"So it's just to hang out..."


"Then what is it?"

"It's... The first one..." Nines replied sheepishly.

"A date?" Nines only nodded his head and slowly lifted his head to meet Gavin's eyes. The two stared calmly into the other's intoxicating eyes before Gavin spoke again. "Why not? Let me grab my things for today."

"Let me help you..." Nines followed Gavin into the android's room as Gavin grabbed his jacket and other supplies he needed before they were gently taken away from him. He looked at Nines, who smiled shyly at him. "I wanna help..."

"If you really want to... sure..." With that, the two left the small mansion. Nines unlocked his car and Gavin climbed into the passenger seat. He pulled his seatbelt on, eyes scanning the car. He scanned two empty bottles of whiskey on the passenger floorboard.  Nines climbed into the driver's seat, pulling his seatbelt on. "What are these?"

"I got lonely yesterday."

"You could have called..."

"I didn't know how..." Nines replied, hands gripping the steering wheel tired. "Besides... I wasn't in a good mood and didn't want to ruin what we had further..."

"I see..." Gavin noted this for a later date. "You shouldn't drink detective. It's not good for your health."

"You're not good for my health." Nines replied, "Not with the way you kiss me anyway." Gavin's face tinted a bright blue as he looked away.

"That gathering is tomorrow..." He spoke suddenly, reminding the brunette. Nines nodded, hand moving over to rest on Gavin's thigh. Gavin looked down, eyes curiously watching his fingers and the rhythmic way they tapped against his thigh.

"This doesn't make you uncomfortable, does it? I can stop if you don't like it."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind." Nines nodded shyly, flicking on the blinker and turning the car with one hand expertly.

"So... Are you still my date for tomorrow?"

"Do you no longer want me to be?"

"No no! I do! I just wanna make sure you still wanna be... After everything I've done to you..." He let his gaze fall, face seeming to feel remorse.


"Please just call me Nines... At least while we're alone..."

"Nines. Look, what happened doesn't matter to me anymore. It's in the past now. I'm more concerned about whether or not there will be alcohol there... I don't like alcoholics..."

"You might not want to hang around my little brother Connor then. Maybe Hank, because he's an android and stuff... Or me..."

"Nines... Please don't drink. At least not too much..." Nines parked the car and turned to see Gavin's weary gaze, noting the way he shifted further away when he turned his body.



"I won't drink too much. I promise..." With that, he gently leaned over and pressed his lips to Gavin's. The named male closed his eyes, his right hand moving to rest along the freshly shaved jawline of the other male. Their lips moved in sync as Nines licked Gavin's bottom lip.

The android let out a small sigh, opening his mouth to feel Nines' tongue enter. Fighting over dominance the taller brunette wrapped his arms around the other's waist and pulled him over after unbuckling them both. hums left their mouths as they continued their heated make-out session. Finally, Gavin pulled away, face dusted with shades of blue.

"I liked that..." He confessed shyly, holding onto Nines' shoulders.

"I liked that too.." Nines agreed with a small smile. He gently placed one last peck on the male's lips before tapping his thighs. "Let's go inside okay?" Gavin nodded and climbed out of the driver's door to be followed by Nines. He adjusted his shirt, which Nines had repeatedly tugged on lightly as a sign to remove it. Once he was sorted out he impulsively grabbed his partner's hand.

Nines paused and looked down at their entwined fingers, smiling wider. He swung their arms loosely while leading the way into the cafe. He would be very happy to have his partner with him, to show his true self to society and never be blamed for it. Gavin would help him with that, Nines knew that.

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