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ThirdGavin's eyes grew wide as the kiss grew more hungry by the second, slowly letting his eyes close as he returned the rough kiss

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Gavin's eyes grew wide as the kiss grew more hungry by the second, slowly letting his eyes close as he returned the rough kiss. Nines' arms started pulling him closer, right onto his lap as Gavin cupped his face lovingly. Nines groaned into the kiss as his hands gently ran through Gavin's hair.

A nerve suddenly pinched in Nines' mind as he recalled everything he told himself about Gavin. He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their lips. Gavin bit his bottom lip, turning away from the other male as he began turning blue. Nines tapped his hips as a sign to get off of him and Gavin quickly scurried back into the driver's seat.

Both males reached up and touched their lips, Nines' slightly swollen from the aggressiveness of the kiss. "Nines-"

"Just drive back to my place so I can repair the damage I caused..." Nines spoke his tone just above snapping. Gavin's mechanical heart sank into his nonexistent stomach as his hands turned the car on and began driving back towards the detective's home.

He remained dead silent, almost as if he was ordered to be quiet. Nines sent him a glance, seeing the slightly hurt expression covering his face. Gavin noticed him look and quickly merged his face to be stoic. "Hm?" He hummed, continuing to watch the road.

"Look I... I don't mean to snap at you..." Gavin pursed his lips, refusing to respond. The action hurt Nines, though he told himself he deserved it. "Gavin I liked the kiss... I do like it... I just... I've never... I'm not good at this kind of stuff..." Gavin turned the wheel and parked in an empty parking lot to turn to Nines.

"You clearly didn't like it..." He replied with a distant look to himself. Nines turned in his seat and carefully held Gavin's face.

"I loved every second of it... I swear on my life I did... Gav I... I think I have feelings for you..." His sudden confession startled Gavin, bringing his expression back to a slightly half-happy and half-pouty look.

"For... For me?" Nines nodded, the two males watching each other for a moment before they started leaning in. A car honked and startled the poor android, causing his LED to blink red for a brief moment. Nines held him to his chest, hiding him from the loud sound.

He looked around and spotted Connor and Hank parking next to them, making him quickly shove his partner off of him. Gavin yelped, watching him in fear. Nines looked at him with regret pouring off of his expression. Yet Gavin understood that Nines was scared of being himself.

He shifted, pushing his shoulder back into the proper place while noting how painful the regret was on the other's face. "I'm okay Nines. I get it..."

"I haven't... Come out to them yet... I don't want them to find out like this..." He reached over, fingers brushing over Gavin's.

"Well, you won't have to worry about that much longer if you keep hurting me." Gavin snapped suddenly, confusing poor Nines.

"Gav.... I-"

"Save your fucking breath..." He retorted coldly, crossing his arms over his chest. He went to open the door, being stopped by Nines.

"Don't go... Please don't leave..." Connor tapped on the passenger window, seeing only his brother turned to Gavin and talking quietly. He turned and rolled the window down. "Hey, big bro. What's up?"

"Ah nothing much, we were getting supplies when I spotted your car. Thought you were doing something dirty with some random girl. Good to see you're being kept in line by somebody." He playfully punched his little brother in the shoulder.

"Ah, you know me. I'll be good when I'm constantly watched..." He heard the soft scoff that left Gavin's lips as he opened the driver-side door and got out. He carefully closed the door, masking the tension between them as he went to lean against the back of the Cadillac.

"What's wrong with Gavin?" Connor asked, concern filling his face.

"He's just a little upset over a small argument we had. Good news though, we caught the bastard that shot you. Eren took him back to the station, probably gonna beat the shit out of him with the cameras off." Gavin listened quietly to Nines' voice, cooling off from the confrontation.

"What was the argument about?" Both men tensed up, though it wasn't an obvious sign.

Nines attempted to play it off, "Ah... We got to the crime scene and saw the bodies I... I accidentally damaged him... I didn't even realize I was doing it until he snapped at me..." He looked away sheepishly to glance back at Gavin, who almost seemed to be looking back at him.

Nines looked back and saw the frown on his brother's face before realizing Hank had vanished from his side. "Conan, you gotta be more careful with him." Nines sighed because of his name being used, hating how it felt more like an insult from his brothers.

"I know that... I didn't mean to hurt him..." Or make out with him afterward... Nines' blue eyes turned back to him, seeing his shirt shifted and Hank looking over the bruises. Within a few more minutes the bruise vanished on that side and he moved to fix the other one.

Nines' heart sunk in his chest as he watched the two androids. I wanted to fix him... He turned his head to see his shorter brother smirking at him. "You like him, don't you Nines?" Nines' lips pursed and he avoided his brother's softened brown eyes. "Hey, it's okay. It's part of our family as you can see~" A snort left the brunette as he faced his brother.

"Yeah, it does..." A few minutes later Gavin walked around the car near Connor and Nines, confusing the male. Gavin held his arms behind his back as he stared dead into the detective's soul. "Gavin?"

"I'm going to walk home from here, it's not far. Have a good day detectives." With that, he ducked his head and turned away to start walking. The two humans watched him before Connor looked back at his little brother.

"He'll be okay Nines, he's a smart android..."

"Yeah... That's the problem..."

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