The Second Day Off

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ThirdGavin sat on the couch with Eren, laptop in his lap and tea in his left hand

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Gavin sat on the couch with Eren, laptop in his lap and tea in his left hand. Steam left the cup, hot enough to burn his fingertips that held the cup up. On the screen were different memories Gavin had so far in being activated. He went into his mind and thought about how there were only two days left until the get-together.

He wanted to look good for Nines but felt as if he wasn't attractive enough in a sense. So instead he turned to watch Eren click on different memories before closing the laptop. "I've been doing some thinking. I know how you feel about my little brother and I've caught the way he looks at you. I'm gonna get you something to wear that he won't be able to resist."

Gavin watched him shyly while the taller male stood up and pulled him to his feet. "Where are we going?"

"To get you some new clothes!" With that, the two of them left the house and walked down the sidewalk of New Jericho. Gavin expected to be glared at for talking to a human but was pleasantly surprised to see several come up to thank Eren for his efforts in repairing their damaged parts or their friends.

"You help androids?"

"I've always helped them for free. I get extra parts and build some in my spare time, I've been helping deviants even before the revolution was solved." He replied calmly, watching him with a shy smile. "It was illegal practice, but I can see the good in these people."

"You risked your badge and your freedom to help a race of people who had nothing? Why? What did you gain from it?" Eren paused and turned his body to face Gavin's. The androids around them slowed, even the mighty Markus paused in his daily motivational speech to listen in.

"I gained nothing save a friendship with some of them, I asked for nothing in return. I gained satisfaction knowing that I was the one who saved lives daily and still do most of the time when there is part trouble. I helped the deviants because I saw their cause, I'd met and heard Markus' voice. Not only did I understand, but I felt the need for this to happen."

With that, he began to walk as a few people around them smiled shyly and went back to listening to the speech or going where they originally planned to. Gavin followed the male, nearly standing on his heels as he kept a close distance.

"You saved people who needed to be saved. Was this situation something you could relate to?" Eren simply nodded and said nothing, leaving the little community and unlocking his car. Gavin climbed into the passenger side while Eren took the driver's side. He turned the car on, but Gavin didn't press for answers no matter how badly he wanted them.

They began moving across the city and looking around as Eren drove towards one of the stores he knew well. Meanwhile, Nines stood in the shower, ice-cold water running down his overheated skin. He's gotten weak an hour prior and touched himself to his partner's mental image. He felt humiliated by this but craved more than what he got. A small growl left his lips as he turned off the water and stepped out and onto the little bath towel that lay on the floor. His messy brown locks fell over his face as he cleared a space in the mirror to gel up his hair into its normal look.

Once that was finished he pulled on his medium grey turtleneck and a pair of grey jeans. He slipped on his shoes and grabbed one of the three Trenchcoats he had hanging up. His hands brushed against the front door until a series of meows echoed through his small apartment. Dipshit leaped into the small table by the front door and meowed for attention. Nines reached over and rubbed the top of his head, hearing his pet purr happily while the she-cat jumped up to be petted as well. He chuckled softly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of their heads.

"I'll be home soon you two~" He bummed as he left his apartment, locking the door behind himself. He walked towards the elevator, clicked the button, and stood aside. After a moment the metal doors opened and he stepped inside, turning swiftly and clicking the ground floor button. When the doors opened again he stepped out, walking towards the entrance and over to his car. He unlocked it and climbed into his seat, making sure it was ready to go before turning the vehicle on and pulling away.

Meanwhile, Gavin held a small kitten in his lap, the tiny snowball slept peacefully with small purrs. Gavin had named the little she-cat Lilith as the two stopped by Connor's house. Nines pulled in after them and watched them curiously. Eren turned off his car and got out, Gavin following suit with the tiny creature in his arms. She lifted her head and meowed curiously, looking at the new surroundings. Nines paused when he saw his partner in front of him, the man he touched himself over. The man he fell in love with. Relief washed over his features as he walked over quickly.

"Gavin! You're okay... I got so worried yesterday... Look I'm sorry about what happened. It was wrong of me. Please forgive me..." He then noticed the small kitten that pawed at his arm in protest. She meowed loudly and nibbled on his finger.

"She needs a home..." Gavin mumbled shyly, seeing Nines pick her up.

"I already have two cats, Gav... I can't..." He saw the little pout in Gavin's eye, showing how much he liked the little creature. He'd bonded with the tiny little thing. He sighed, "Fine. What did you name her?"

"Lilith..." Gavin replied shyly while Eren left the two men alone outside Connor's house. A small smile found the black-haired male's lips.

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