The First Case

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An alarm blared into the room, harassing the poor brunette's ears. He rises with a tired groan and presses the snooze button, which he had done for the past three times. The alarm goes silent for another five minutes. He sighs, hugging his pillow tightly in his arms as his bare shoulders meet the slightly cold temperature that had crept into the room overnight. The sound of a small little bell echoed through the room, followed by a meow and purring. A ball of black floof appears next to the man, rubbing himself against his face and making his presence known. He chuckles tiredly, moving to instead hug the cat closer to himself as his body begins to fall asleep.

"Good morning to you too, Dipshit..." He mumbled, which was the name he had personally given the cat. Just as everything became calm once more the alarm blared again, echoing through his head. The cat meowed loudly and scattered away because of the noise. "Alright! Alright! I'm up!" The brunette sighed and sat up, turning the alarm off. He sets his phone back down and holds onto his temples as a headache forms. His eyes traveled around his room as he wearily stood, swaying slightly in his step as he walked towards his dresser to grab a change of clothes. Maybe he did have a drinking problem.

He grabbed a plain black turtleneck and a pair of black jeans, pulling the items on before grabbing his dark brown trenchcoat. He chose this one over his casual white as it was raining and mud would ruin the fabric. He wrapped it around himself and snatched his phone, dropping it without care into his pocket and snatching his car keys. With this he walked to the front door of his apartment, seeing the smaller calico cat run over to rub against his leg.

He crouches down to pet her head, going so far as to pick her up and kiss her nose gently. "Good morning Olive. I'll be home later today, be good you two." He sets her back down and leaves his apartment, almost robotic in stance as he turns on his heels in the direction of the elevator. As he arrives he pushes the button, calling up the elevator to his floor before stepping inside the doors and pressing the ground floor.

There was a musical hum within the small, death trap that made him feel at peace. His mind was focused on getting to work on time, making sure that nothing went wrong and he didn't miss his assignment. The elevator suddenly dings open and he briskly makes his way outside and to his old-fashioned, black Cadillac.

Meanwhile, on the same morning, an Android grumpily walks down the sidewalk with no intention of getting anywhere anytime soon. He knew the directions well and could get across the city in no time if need be, yet he wasn't all too excited about actually showing up to his first day on the job. Sure, he wanted to save lives as some people deserved to live. In his eyes, however, it was only children and animals. Everyone else deserves to die in his eyes, without sparing anyone on the sidewalk a glare. He shoulder-checks a random man and continues walking as he's loudly cursed out.

He ignores this man and walks across the road without soaring even a single glance for safety. With all the hate going around against Androids, the chances of him being hit on purpose were higher than they were. Yet now it was illegal to do so and would end poorly for the man or woman that did the action. He shakes his head, clearing his mind completely. He sets his course to the exact location he was supposed to be at almost an hour ago, legs dragging him into a jog. The wind lifted his chocolate locks and guided him to move faster as he neared the station, a car pulling in right after him. He paused briefly to glance at the black vehicle before rushing to the building. He approaches the android at the front desk and states his ID before walking into the back, entering Amanda's office to be assigned his new job, case, and partner. He closes the glass door, standing behind the desk with his arms stuck at his sides. He looked nothing professional with the way he dressed.

His grey eyes, only slightly dusted with very light blue watched the woman quietly. Gavin wore nothing different than he normally would have, his baggy blue jeans and grey t-shirt. Not to mention the dark reddish jacket adorning his back. "Hello Amanda, my name is Gavin." He finally greets her after a long pause.

The woman finally lifts her gaze from the paperwork in her hands, "You must be our new android. Great, let me fill you in and send you off." She stands up, paper long forgotten. "The case you will be assigned to is dealing with a man who was hooked on red ice and killed his friend before calling us."

The android only nods, is given his next order, and leaves without a word. He is also given the name of his partner but ignores it for now. He, yet again, shoulder bumps somebody and doesn't bother to turn or even apologize. They weren't the mission, not the top priority.

Nines scoffs and brushes off his shoulder, as if whoever that man was left dirt on him. His head held high in the air as he winds through the desks and passes his big brother's, guilt taking over his thoughts. It should have been me. Lips moved into a firm line, eyes narrowing slightly as he made his way to his desk and took a seat.

Only to be called upon by his superior. With a reluctant sigh, he stands, pushes in his desk chair, and walks to the woman's office. Opening the glass door and shutting it behind himself, much like the unnerved Androids do. "Yes ma'am?"

"I've taken the point and assigned you a new partner for the cases since your brother was injured and is currently out of duty. I've already sent him to the crime scene now. For the love of god don't kill each other on sight Detective Stern." Amanda's stoic voice orders.

Nines nods and is given the same information Amanda was. He walked out of the office, shoes clacking comfortably against the tiled flooring as he went over the information in his head. His partner's name was Gavin Reed. He was an android sent to aid investigations. Just the term, android set him off. He'd hate this addition more than anything. He climbs into his car and is on his way to the scene of the crime.

A Twenty-Minute Drive Later~
Nines groans tiredly, turning off his car and getting out. The car door closes behind him as he walks towards the house, already looking over the damage he could see. The front windows were shattered and the front door was only hanging onto the frame by one weak hinge. He steps into the house, a female officer following close behind with her android. He knew this android by name, and she wasn't too bad. Her name was Tina, or at least that's what it was registered as. He shook off the uneasy feeling and found the body of the victim in the master bathroom. Blood surrounded the body, and a crouched android could be seen. He reached down, placing two fingers in the puddle and bringing the red liquid to his lips. As much as it disgusted him, Hank had done it a thousand times before this moment. The female officer gagged, however, looking away. The Android began to speak, "He was poisoned and coughed up the blood into the sink. He likely was the one to make the call to the station."

"Okay bolt pile, but where would the poison be?" Nines shot back, walking towards the thing before him. The android stood tall, though was much shorter than the brunette. Nines enjoyed this height difference as it made him more dominating.

"Well if you'd have gotten here a little earlier you'd already know that, wouldn't you Detective Stern?" Gavin shoots back, poking his partner harshly in the chest with his index finger. He storms from the bathroom, leaving an aggravated brunette behind.

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