A Would-Be Day Apart

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ThirdThe sun shone brightly over Gavin's closed eyes, his LED spinning a brief red until he covered them with his arm

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The sun shone brightly over Gavin's closed eyes, his LED spinning a brief red until he covered them with his arm. A small groan of disappointment left him as he sat up, groggily looking around himself. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and froze when he realized today was a day he didn't have to go to work. A frown caught his lips, drawing his gaze to the slightly open blinds covering his windows. Since he'd moved in here months ago he never opened them, today that would change. He stood up and walked around the bed, standing slightly in the light as he pulled the curtains apart.

Briefly blinded by the sudden light until he adjusted he finally saw what New Jericho looked like. His fingers touched the windowsill as his eyes scanned the androids walking about happily. Android couples would pause and hold hands, the artificial skin removed in a way to show affection. It nearly sickened Gavin that he couldn't have that. He'd convinced himself he'd never get that kind of love. He didn't want it anyway. With a scoff he left his room, spotting Eren tapping away on the keyboard, writing what appeared to be a heavily formal email.

He scanned the cup of tea on the table by the laptop to find out more about the man staying with him. He walked over, sitting next to him as he worked. "You enjoy black tea."

Eren sent him a small glance before typing again. "I do. I can't stand coffee. It's just not for me, y'know?" He paused and pulled his hands from the keys. He rubbed at the nape of his neck, rolling it slightly in hopes of relieving stress there.

"Are you alright?" Gavin's eyes scanned his body for any injuries, finding none but the ones he had before today. He sighed and looked over his features a little more. He then began to notice the little freckles dusting his pale nose and upper cheeks. On the bridge of his nose lay a small, pink scar. One that was similar to his own. He touched his own nose before shyly speaking up, "How did you get that scar?"

The moment he asked that was the moment Eren suddenly turned to face him with eyes full of curiosity. "Which one? I have a lot on my face."

"That one." He pointed, fingertip lightly brushing over the scar.

He went cross-eyed to view it for a moment, then poked it with a finger. "This one? Hm... This was the scar I got when my father..." He went quiet for a moment, thinking about it. "Well let's just say he's a very aggressive man..."

Gavin didn't understand at first but didn't want to press because seeing Eren's face twist into a pained one upset him. He bit his bottom lip, "I'm sorry that happened to you..."

"No no... I'm fine... It was a long time ago anyway..." He turned away, eyes falling on something else in the house, but Gavin would have none of it.

"We're matching." Eren's eyes found his and a small smirk lifted the corners of his light pink lips.

"Yeah... Yeah, we do huh?" He smiled a bit, showing off one of his sharp too canines before he turned to tap on the keyboard. "Hey, how about you take today to get to know New Jericho? I heard a few people need help getting settled in. Maybe a welcome would help them out!"

Gavin stood up, nodding slightly as if it were a game and he'd been given a side quest. He walked around the side of the couch and grabbed his jacket, "I'll do that."

"Hey, Gavin?"

He paused, hand on the door as he turned to face the male who looked right at him. "Yes, detective?"

"Thank you for last night. Oh, and you should change into something less aggressive. It'll help with the first impression..." His soft tone must have been what swayed him to change as he walked to his room. He dropped the jacket onto the bed and began taking off his clothing to wash.

Meanwhile, a brunette stood in his bathroom, working aggressively to make sure his hair looked perfect. Even though he wasn't heading to work, he wanted to look his best. Who knew, maybe a pretty neighbor would come over. Or even Gavin. He shook his head, trying hard to remove the male from his mind. Gavin kept weaseling his way back inside no matter how hard he tried. He sighed, picking up Dipshit and holding him as he sat on the couch. The other cat happily bounced into his lap, the little bell on her collar ringing. He pet them both as he turned on some stupid movie, one he barely looked at.

He was playing on his phone when he noticed the message Connor sent to him and his brother. He opened it, seeing that Eren hadn't even looked at his phone yet and he was the only one who had.

Shorty: You guys! I need an idea! I wanna do something different and yet not keep it casual...

Nines: Offer more alcohol.

Asshole: I'm bringing enough, shut the fuck up and go fuck someone.

He rolled his eyes, setting his phone down as the two males went on and on about the get-together that Nines simply didn't want to go to. Not without Gavin. Though Gavin agreed to go with him, hopefully as his date. He snarled and shook his head, jumping when there fell a knock upon his door. He got up, the cats lying soundly on the couch together as he approached the door. When he opened it he paused, eyes traveling up and down the figure of his android partner standing there shyly. "Is something wrong?"

Gavin went quiet, though his lips had parted to speak with nothing coming out. He looked down towards his feet for a moment, "I just... Wanted to see how you were doing today and if you want to go around Detroit with me... To see the city... You don't have to... I just..."

Nines felt the butterflies in his stomach eat away at him as they spoke for him. "Let me get ready." He pulled the android into his apartment and closed the door, locking it. With such actions completed, he fled to his room as Gavin scanned and explored the new area.

Something touched his leg and he gasped in shock, looking down at a purring creature. He hesitantly bent down as the cat meowed and happily nuzzled his cheek. "H-hi..." As he scanned the collar of the creature he learned it was a cat named Dipshit. Who would name such a beautiful creature such a horrible name? He began to pet him as another jumped onto his back, causing him to squeal at first before petting this other cat as well. Nines had heard the squeak and curiously peered into his living room, smiling afterward. Gavin sat calmly with both cats in his lap purring in bliss.

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