Marry Me

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ThirdThey felt forced to leave when everyone kept staring at them, having moved outside to Chicken Feed for lunch

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They felt forced to leave when everyone kept staring at them, having moved outside to Chicken Feed for lunch. Gavin stood at the table, hands moving together. Nines stood near him, hand on his lower back while Connor rambled off about Sumo. "Why did they look at us like that? I thought everyone knew what Eren did..." Gavin spoke up, breaking Connor's thoughts and bringing everyone back.

He frowned a little, puppy eyes searching Gavin's face. "Some people have no idea what our brother did. Eren's always been like that though. Since the day he was born to this very moment." Connor sighed and rested his head against Hank's shoulder. "I forgot how boring work can get. At least it beats sitting around in a hospital for a week."

"Where does Eren go every day?" Gavin asked suddenly, confusing the three.

"What do you mean?"

"He usually leaves his house early in the morning when he believes everyone is still asleep..." Gavin explained. "I bumped into him one night to see what he'd do and he explained he had somewhere to be and that he'd come home soon..."

Nines shook his head. "Maybe to work? He had always been one to..." He trailed off when a black limo pulled up to the sidewalk next to them and the door opened. They felt their jaws drop when Eren clamored from the vehicle with Myrie before closing the door. The tinted window rolled down to reveal a beautiful blonde-haired woman with vibrant blue eyes.

"I enjoyed your company today Mr. Farron. Perhaps we could continue at a later date?" She asked, eyes glancing to the four that stared at her with curious eyes. Her blue hues locked with Eren's again.

"Of course. And I can help you with your research while I work." She smiled warmly and nodded, the window beginning to roll up.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. And I hope you will join us as well Myrie."

"As always. If not then the day after." Eren watched her nod and flash him a grin before the limousine pulled away from the curb and left him and his visibly tired partner. Myrie yawned softly, reaching out to hold onto Eren's arm to steady herself.

"I'm ready to go home and nap." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes briefly before smiling at the ravenette.

"We're heading to a case. We don't have time to go home, even if I wanted to myself." Eren explained and his partner visibly whined loudly. He turned his head, his hair falling away from his eyes long enough for him to notice the four. "Oh hello." He greeted suddenly, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "So you came out to the whole station Nines?" He began with a smirk, catching his little brother off guard.

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