Visiting Family

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I had gotten off my shift and searched the parking lot with my eyes for Gavin's return. He hasn't come back and worry filled my stomach, was he at least safe? Whose car was that and why did he reluctantly climb in? Was he in danger? When I couldn't find him I panicked further. With no choice except to give up hope looking for his messy brown locks, I walked to my car.

Unlocking it and taking a seat, leaning my head against my steering wheel. I hadn't meant to chase him away like that. I didn't mean that at all. I reluctantly turned on my vehicle and drove towards the hospital. Maybe Connor could help me with whatever these feelings are. I needed to see him today anyway. As I was driving I turned the radio on, hearing the little news story about androids and their rights before it went back to songs.

I sighed the moment I stopped at a red light, hands gripping the wheel suddenly until the knuckles became a pearly white. "Gavin... Where are you?" I mumble to myself, taking a moment to look into a Café window to see a brunette haired woman sitting next to a man that I couldn't see fully. There was a black haired male across from them, only making me sigh more.

I went to turn away until I realized who that man was, my older brother Eren. I wonder if he's seen Connor recently. The light shifted green and I began to pull forward, grabbing for my phone in my coat pocket. Mindlessly I found my brother's contact and began to call him, hearing the speaker ringing loudly.

I parked on the curb, having stopped by the hospital in a good enough spot. My phone continued to ring until someone answered. "Goddamn you, finally fuck face. When have you last seen Connor?"

"What? Did you lose Connor again? By god it's trouble keeping you boys in line. I saw him three days ago." Eren's calm voice echoed through, sounding as if he were met to me.

"Get your ass to the hospital, let's go visit him together. Right now. Let's get moving." I didn't give him time to respond before hanging up on him and getting out. Rain began to lightly dust the streets, which went ignored as I walked to the front door and then to the elevator. Connor would scold me for my injuries but would be happy to hear Eren might come with me to visit. Once I reached the proper floor I paused and leaned against the wall outside of the elevator.

Nines pulled a small quarter from him right pants leg and played with it, flicking it into the air and twirling it around his fingers. The elevators closed and he could hear it travel downward, though was focused solely on his coin. He flicked it from one hand to the other and repeated the process quickly. Around ten minutes later two men left the metal death trap.

One being Nines' brother and the other being Gavin. His blue eyes widened slightly at the sight of Gavin as the said male sent Eren a sheepish glance. He pushed off of the wall and stared at Gavin, walking over and looking over his face and body for injuries. He sighs when he is unable to find a single one.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He snaps, causing the poor male to flinch back at his tone and hide behind Eren. The taller black haired male turned his head around to see the poor androids LED before gingerly pulling his brother aside.

"I took him with me, he seemed lonely when he walked out." Eren spoke up, though it was partially a lie on his end. His piercing blue and green eyes bore into his little brother's. "Now. Let's go see Connor, yeah?" He grabbed the two by their hands and intertwined them together before running forward.

Gavin and Nines looked down at their hands, then back up at the other. Gavin stared over at him curiously as they walked like that, meanwhile Nines on the other hand flushed a bright pink and adjusted his hand. "It's like the buddy system, just stay close like this..." The brunette grumbled and Gavin nodded as if he were given an order.

They continued down the small hallway, seeing Eren up ahead talking to Hank. From his hand motions the duo could only assume he was asking about Connor from the last time he was there. Hank stood guard, almost like a big bear, of Connor's room and only walked inside the moment Eren had.

They could hear Connor's excited voice echo through the room, entering slowly afterwards. Upon entering they spotted Connor suffocating the poor black haired male as he held him close to himself. Though their brother didn't seem to mind in the slightest. Connor gasped in glee the moment he saw Nines.

"Baby brother!" He cheers, doing a hand motion to come closer. Nines went to let go of Gavin's hand, though was surprised when the androids hand tightened. Nines saw their hands and a devilish smirk found his lip. "Oh? So you've got yourself a boyfriend now?"

Nines flushed red as Gavin tilted his head in confusion. He released the tall brunette and walked around to hide behind him. Nines abandoned him to hug his brother. "I figured you'd like it if we visited you together today. Well that and we haven't talked in some time. We should catch up..."

"Well! What about that little get together Connor's throwing? I'll be there helping set up because Con's hurt." The instant Eren mentioned that sent Gavin into a spiral, how did he know? Was he watching at that moment? Eren sent him a glance and saw his confusion. "I can explain later, trust me."

Gavin nods, walking closer to Hank as the tall android turned his head. He was adorned with tired eyes and grey hair, which was pulled into a small ponytail. He wore his uniform, showing what his android number was. "You still wear that?"

Hank's tired eyes locked with Gavin's, "I do. It reminds me of where I came from and how far I've grown." He adjusted his stance, hands clasping together behind his back as he went back into a by-standing mode. Gavin watched him in awe and curiosity until he did the same thing he was.

Eren ran a hand through Connor's chocolate locks. "Hey! Stop!" The smaller male whined, batting at his hands with his own and pouting. A chuckle flew from Eren's nose as he fixed it carefully before ruining it all over again. "Eren!" He whined again and caused his older brother to pause and look down at him.

"Alright alright... I'm sorry." He smiled and fixed it again, not messing it up afterward. "There you go! All handsome again!" Connor smiled and pulled his brother back down for a long hug.

"I've missed you and so has Sumo! You need to come over more!" Eren's eyes sparkled, pulling away.

"Aw... Alright~ I'll come with you. Want me to drive you both home today since you've gotten permission?" He asks as he sits on the bed, hand taking his little brother's as Nines does the same. Both male's backs touched the other as they did the same actions.

"No it's okay, Hank can drive me home! You should still come though!"

"I'll have to see what I can do~" Eren whispers before nodding. "I'll come with you~ Oh, you don't mind driving Gavin home Nines?" At the mention of his name he lifted his head and met Connor's curious eye.

"I'm having a hard time figuring out who he is..." Connor replies with a pout, making it known he was curious and it was eating away at him slowly.

"This is Gavin, a GV800 Model that was assigned to Nines here after you were shot. He's a detective android that's similar to Hank, but different." Nines' throat went dry after that, how did his older brother know all of this?

He turned to Gavin, seeing the same sparkle of awe that was in Connor's eyes. Did Gavin tell him this or did he find out on a whim? The tall brunette hung his head slightly, "He's been very helpful in the cases so far. We've gotten a lot more covered than what I had when I was alone..." He confessed suddenly, making Eren smirk in victory and Gavin confused.

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