Family Matters

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ThirdNines had begun to ramble on and on to Connor, listening to him as he was yelled at by his older brothers for getting injured

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Nines had begun to ramble on and on to Connor, listening to him as he was yelled at by his older brothers for getting injured. By this point, Peter chimed in and mentioned Eren's injuries, which caused the male to shove the android off of himself and stand up to adjust his clothing. The brunette looked up at his lover, who towered over him a good four inches as Eren steamed slightly. "I didn't want them to know that Peter!"

"I-I'm s-sorry! I didn't-" Ae's cut off when Eren rudely waves his hand and storms out of the living room. Connor frowned, getting up weakly and walking carefully after his brother. Hank followed after him, likely to keep him safe and comfortable if he couldn't walk on his own.

Connor found Eren in the kitchen leaning over the sink as he turned on the cold water. He leaned down and ran his head under it as if he were punishing himself, which only made Connor worry further. "I'm sure Peter didn't mean to make you angry Eren... I know how you get when you're hurt. You don't like people knowing because you don't like being pitied."

A huff leaves his brother, but he gets no other reply. "Detective Farron... Are you alright?" Hank asks, guiding Connor to a chair and pulling Eren's head away from the water. The action caused the male to become dizzy and nearly fall backwards, had the android not been holding tightly to his shoulders. "My sensors indicate that you are injured."

"That's none of your fucking business." Eren snapped, pushing away from the male and falling to his knees before he could even step away. He let out a frustrated sigh before lifting his hoodie slightly, revealing a bloodied bandage. "Guess I opened it again..."

"Eren..." Connor's voice was incredibly soft as he gestured for Hank to help his older brother. Hank lifted his right arm over his shoulder and lifted him to his feet, guiding him to a chair next to Connor. As he went to get bandages and cleaning supplies it left Connor alone with his brother. "I know you won't want to talk about it... But if you do... That's okay too..."

Eren glanced at his little brother, seeing his soft chocolate colored eyes staring back at him innocently. "What do you plan on making the theme for the get-together?" He asks, ignoring what Connor said. Instead of getting upset about it, he accepts that his brother didn't want to discuss it yet.

"I was hoping it could just be something normal, nothing special about it. That way there's not much you'll need to set up except for food and stuff..." He fiddled with his thumbs before his brother's pale hand touched them.

"It's okay Connor. I'm okay..." They exchange a glance before Connor drags his brother into a hug. Eren sighs, leaning into the touch as if he'd needed it for a while.

Meanwhile, Nines had begun to scold the android, "You know better Peter! You know Eren doesn't like talking about getting hurt!" He kicked the metal freak with his foot before pacing the room. "You." He waved his finger towards the android. "You better fucking fix this. He's gonna leave you if you don't." Peter's LED turned a dark red as his stress rose quickly.

"No... I don't want him to leave me..."

"Then fix your goddamn mistake!"

The two men could hear their argument, or at least Nines shouting. Hank entered the kitchen, entirely unbothered by all of the yelling. He crouched down and instructed Eren to strip the top half of his clothes off. "I'd say we can't do this till the second date, but whatever." With such he peeled the hoodie off and then the shirt underneath to reveal more of his pale skin.

Hank unwound the bandage and scanned the open gunshot wound before cleaning it, around it as well before making sure it was properly wrapped again and let him put his shirt back on. Instead of adding his hoodie he simply tied it around his waist and sat back down. Once the action was over a newly scolded Peter entered the kitchen, dark chocolate eyes aimed at the floor as he fiddled his hands together and stood in front of the black haired male.

"I'm sorry..."

Eren tilted his head slightly, left brow raising slightly. "Peter, you know I hate talking about my injuries. I wanted to tell them on my own time, but you rushed it again. You do that a lot, you know."

"Nines said if I don't fix it you'd leave me..." Eren sighed, leaning forward to gingerly wrap the android in a hug. Peter fell carefully to his knees and hugged the other tightly, artificial tears brimming his eyes as he began to cry quietly.

"Oh, Peter..." (why did I get the Family Guy thought- 😭) his soft voice carried throughout the room, hands gently rubbing the male's scalp. "I'm not mad at you anymore, but Peter I can't keep having you disrespect my boundaries, it isn't okay. I can't keep doing this dance with you constantly." Peter lifted his head, showing off from the close proximity his freckles shining in the light. Eren frowned and gently nudged Peter off of himself, "I think I need some space with you right now. We'll talk later. I just need space."

Peter lowered his head as he nodded quietly. "I understand." The android then leaves the house without another word and Eren looks between Connor and Hank. 

"Why did you leave him like that?"

"I just..." Eren lowered his gaze to the floor and shook his head. "I just can't be with him anymore. I love him dearly, but he never listens. I can hardly focus at work because he's always trying to distract me. He's always there and I never get time away from him."

"Is that why you haven't been home for so long?" Eren lifted his head to look at Connor.

"Yeah, I went to Gavin's to escape his overlooking presence. Lucielle's fed up with his attitude towards her anyway." Sumo walked into the kitchen and laid his head gently on Eren's left thigh, looking up into his eyes with those deep browns. "Don't look at me like that bud, please."

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