Interrogation of Fools

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Nines walked back to his desk and set his coffee down, hanging his coat over the back of his chair as he took a seat. Hands shifted to hover over the keyboard as Gavin sat at the empty desk before him. "I'd like to go over the evidence I found at the crime scene with you." He speaks and Nines leans back slightly and stares at him.

A sigh leaves his lips as he stands up and gestures towards the evidence room, "Let's go register it." The duo walks off towards the room, passing through the doorway without bumping into the other to put in the evidence. Nines reaches down and types the password his brother set, 'fuckingpassword.' He'd set it because it was easy to remember in a tight time.

"From what I gathered he lied about having his friend. In fact, it was the boyfriend of the missing girl. Emily Strange. He killed the boyfriend so his secret would stay hidden." Gavin says, adding the information to the database.

"What? There's no way." Nines argues back, head shaking as he approaches Gavin. "And where did you figure that out?"

"While you were downstairs wrestling the android I found her body in the bathroom. The clues were right there. Our criminal was a family friend that was cast out for acting creepy and interacting with sketchy people behind their back. Must not have taken his warnings and the red flags seriously." With his little ramble finished Nines was left in a hint of shock.

How had he found so much information in such little time? "Where did you...?" He begins before putting back his stoic mask and averting his gaze. "Nevermind, good job tin can." With such he flees, shoes quietly tapping the tile as he walks back to his desk.

Gavin stands there for a moment, feeling as though their relationship had increased and was less hostile than previously. Maybe they could get along after all. He follows behind the man, though giving enough space to not stress him out. He could do that later.

Both get back to the desk before Nines growls under his breath, Gavin slyly returns it and is sent a glare from the taller brunette. "Let's go interrogate that son of a bitch. Both of them, I'll take the guy." Nines began, but Gavin wasn't having any of it.

"Why don't we interrogate both of them after the other? That way there's less of a chance of things going south." He offered up the idea only to be pushed back by firm hands hitting his shoulders.

"I told you what we're doing, so get to it!" He snaps, shoulder bumping Gavin as he angrily walked towards the interrogation rooms. He walks into the small side room and watches Hank for a moment. "The fuck are you doing here?"

The Android lifts his head and stands up, "Your brother wanted me to check in on you. I've interrogated the android that attacked you, but Connor threw a fit when I informed him of your injuries." The tall brunette groans, smacking his forehead roughly.

"Hank!" His tone sounded much like that of a little kid when they wanted something from their parents. "Why would you do that? Now I won't hear the end of it!" The android simply closed his eyes and held his arms behind his back.

"It's better than letting you explain it when he saw them in person." Hank confesses, walking around him. "Good luck, this man is an utter asshole. For the lack of a better term. Have a good day Detective." With that, he was left alone until his partner showed up.

There was an unrecognizable glint in his grey eyes, that showed brightly to Nines. It looked as if he was both jealous and envious at the exact same time, despite nearly being the same thing. "Alright, looks like we'll have to be working together instead of alone." He drops into the metal chair and points at the one-way mirror. "Well? Hop to it!"

His snappy tone only adds to the anger slowly bubbling up inside of the android, as he walks out he passes by a set of three officers. One of them happened to be an Android while the others were not. Ignoring this as he enters the room, the man lifts his head and rolls his eyes. "I already told your android buddy I didn't mean it!"

Gavin stays quiet, sitting across from the man and placing his hands over the file on the desk. "As much as I'd like to believe you meant no harm to that man, how do you plead when I mention the young woman you also killed."

His eyes widen and he shakes his head, "There isn't a woman's body in my house! I know there's not!" He snaps, slamming his cuffed fists against the table. The action spooks Gavin, though only slightly. To others it went unnoticed, but not Nines. The brunette noted that the android wasn't the best at harsh movements. He'd keep that in mind if it ever pissed him off.

"There is, Miss Strange was found dead in your upstairs bathroom. Lacerations all around her body indicate murder. You killed that young girl in cold blood. Why? Because the family outed you and you wanted revenge?" His tone was surprisingly calm, despite his rugged and aggressive appearance. He noted the man's stress increasing.

He remained quiet and Gavin sighed, leaning his back against the chair as he thought. There was an uncomfortable and tense silence between them. "I didn't mean to do it..." The man began, head hung low in shame. "They called me a pervert and said I wanted to harass their family. I didn't mean to come off like that, I didn't mean to get angry and take it out on Emily... Poor Em... I didn't mean for any of this to happen okay?!" His eyes, filled with an insane hunger, bore into Gavin's.

"Yes, but what drove you to kill her? Tell me that." Gavin's tone was quiet, though his brow furrowed in disgust at this man. Who would harm an innocent person for no good reason? "And that android. Why was it there?"

"That hunk of worthless junk? It was that girl's android... He was with her the day I took her. Tracked me home before I took it down temporarily and made sure it couldn't contact the authorities." With this, Gavin peacefully stood up and messed with the folder. He tapped it on the table. "Where the fuck are you going?!"

"I'm finished here." He replies calmly, starting to leave the room.

"You're a fucking piece of plastic like all the others! Useless!" He snaps, making Gavin stop in his step.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" He stalks back over, setting the file down before grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt. "I'm worth more than you'll ever be in a million years." He spats, shoving the man back into the chair and leaving without the file. He storms past Nines, who didn't hear the end of that and rammed right into the shorter man.

Both paused to look at one another. "Is everything-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Gavin snaps, shoving Nines out of his way and storming out of that small space as it began closing in on him. Anxiety creeping up in him as his LED flashed red briefly. A software instability appeared at the top left of his vision, signifying that he was slowly becoming deviant.

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