Out In Detroit

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ThirdNines waited a minute before entering the living room shirtless, catching an unprepared Gavin by surprise

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Nines waited a minute before entering the living room shirtless, catching an unprepared Gavin by surprise. The android turned and stared, eyes widened slightly as he slowly worked his way to those icy blue hues. Both men wanted nothing more than to rush to the other and slam their lips together, melting into each other's touch. Yet neither moved as Conan glanced down at his bare chest, "Like what you see?" The question left a light blue Gavin completely embarrassed.

He began to stutter out a quick response, "T-that's not- n-no I... I m-mean y-yes but-" Finally he bit his tongue and refused to speak further, avoiding his eyes. Nines chuckled, watching him for a moment longer before heading to his room to get dressed.

"Cute..." he mumbled to himself, wanting to savor the mental image of him playing with the cats forever. He paused and looked around his closet for the nicest clothes to wear, yet stopped when he realized it wasn't a date and the person in the other room was Gavin. He wouldn't like him anyway. Meanwhile Gavin still blushed blue, scratching under each cat's chin as they purred and rubbed against his hands happily. He looked back up to see Nines had chosen a dark grey shirt with black ripped jeans. Their eyes locked again and it hurt Gavin deeply that he couldn't kiss him at all.

He stood up, much to the cats protest meows and walks over to him. "Y-you look nice." Nines sent him a sheepish smile and nodded. He grabbed the android's wrist and pulled him towards the door, not bothering to grab a coat.

Five hours later!
Gavin was sitting on a park bench, yet not how you think someone would. He sat on the backrest, feet propped up on the seat itself. Nines sat normally, back leaning against the rest as his blue eyes softened. "What do you think?"

"Of the city or you? Because I think that both are absolutely stunning." Nines' face heated up and he sent Gavin a glance, only to be caught in his grey eyes.

They stared at each other for a long moment before Nines fell victim to leaning in for a kiss. Gavin didn't understand at first but slowly leaned in as well until the two were interrupted by a call. Gavin bit his bottom lip as Nines fished his phone from his jeans pocket and raised it to his ear. "Hello?"

It grew silent after a moment, making Gavin feel shy and embarrassed. They could have just kissed and yet they didn't get to. And Nines made the first move! Gavin looked at the brunette haired male with a small sigh, watching his facial expression change drastically.

"Yes. Yes, I understand. We'll be there." With that he hung up and stood quickly, grabbing Gavin off of the bench.

"W-what? Where are we going?" He walked willingly with the male as he pushed him to the passenger side of his car before getting in the driver's side. Gavin sheepishly opened the door and climbed into the seat, closing the door and putting on his seatbelt quickly.

"We just got called in for a homicide case." As such the car was turned on, but they didn't start moving. Nines turned in the seat and stared the android down, making his LED flash yellow for a moment.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Why'd you start to lean in?" It grew silent in the vehicle, nearly choking the android.

"If I remember... You l-leaned in first. You should answer that question yourself..." He shot back, avoiding his eye and turning to the window. "So... Why'd you lean in? You don't like me..."

"You're right. I don't." An obvious lie Nines thought, until he realized Gavin took it straight to heart as his face fell. He bit his bottom lip before turning his eyes fully away.

"Right... Besides. I'm just a machine. Machines don't feel anything. It's just a simulation of emotion, never the real shit..." He mumbled, resting his cheek on his fist.

"Gavin I..." He looked at him, hope stretched in his eyes. "Let's get going... sorry..." His face fell again and he nodded, looking away once more.

"Yeah... To the crime scene, we go..." He closed his eyes and went into the little fake area that Amanda normally stood in. Only instead of her standing there it was Eren. The male was looking around curiously, wearing a grey button up and grey ripped jeans. He turned towards the android and sent him a shy smile.

"There you are! This is a nice set-up you have here... You should change it up though... It's a little bland." Gavin nodded in agreement, but couldn't think of anything else.

"Like what?"

"A theme park or something! Whatever brings you genuine joy!" The male walked around the area as it became distorted, leaving him calm without fear.

"I liked the park Nines and I were at... It was... nice." He looked around as everything changed to match the perfect setting of the park. Eren's eyes sparkled.

"We used to come here as children..." This was all he said as he pointed down a flower-filled pathway. "Looks like you've got a visitor." With that he smiled and vanished, leaving Gavin to find the person waiting for him.

As he walked through the flowers he spotted Nines sitting on one of the many benches, book in hand. This Nines wore an all-black turtleneck with buttons on the collar. His blue eyes lifted and met his grey ones. A smile found his lips as he stood up, closing his book and setting it on the bench.

"Took you long enough. I've missed your presence for a while tin can." He walked over and took his hands, pulling them to his lips as he gently kissed them. Gavin's thirium pump fluttered and nearly stopped working for a moment.

"Nines I..." He trailed, feeling soft lips brush against his. Eyes slowly fluttering closed as be cupped the taller male's face and kissed him back.

"Hey, tin can!" When he opened his eyes he saw Nines snapping his fingers in his face. "Fuck, you blow a fuse or something?"

Gavin shook his head and turned to face the male, eyes glancing down towards his lips for a brief moment. "Just... Lost in my thoughts. I'm fine. Let's go..." With that, he got out of the car and began walking towards the crime scene.

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