Terrible Plan

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Third *Smut Ahead*The next day Gavin spent helping Eren and Hank set up for the gathering

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Third *Smut Ahead*
The next day Gavin spent helping Eren and Hank set up for the gathering. His hands worked delicately while helping Hank lift something heavy to move elsewhere. The duo caught sight of Eren setting liquor out in neatly made lines as well as normal drinks. A large bowl of ice, which could have been a punch bowl instead, sat in the middle to separate both things. With that, he'd turned and helped Hank with the food, which he seemed rather good at making as the smells were heavenly. Connor had wanted to play a part as well, so he helped taste-test the food to make sure it was perfect.

Gavin turned to see Lucielle answering the door for the very first guest. Nines' eyes locked with Gavin's immediately and he ushered himself inside and over to the android. Still unnerved from the events from before Gavin scurried away from the male just as Sumo barged in to greet him.

Gavin placed a hand over his chest, right where a human heart would be as his LED flashed yellow. He bit his bottom lip as he soon heard approaching footsteps. "Gavin."

"H-Hey." Gavin created shyly, looking away from him. "How was yesterday? Did you get home safe? You never called me." Gavin looked at Nines and frowned.

"I did, yeah. They took me to Eren's." He replied, reaching out to touch Nines' hand. "What did you do with the rest of your day?"

"Waited for you at home. Cuddled with our child."

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