Upcoming Get Together

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Gavin slammed his body back into his office chair and aggressively began writing the report on what happened in the interrogation room. Nines joins him within a few minutes, leaning against the desk with the palms of his hands being used to keep him upright. "Is everything alright? You st-"

"Just shut up!" Gavin snaps, pushing Nines' face away from him. The tall brunette scoffs, adjusting his hair that had been messed with.

"Be that way, see if I fucking care about you next time..." Nines mutters as he slumps into his desk chair, eyes glancing at Gavin every so often. He sighs, fingers holding the bridge of his nose. "Look..." He's not spared a glance. "Whatever happened when I left that small room, don't let it get to you. We're partners. Start acting like you care." With such the man stands up and grabs the cigarette carton from his coat.

"You shouldn't smoke," Gavin speaks up, eyeing the thing. "It can cause cancer and other health problems."

"Well..." Nines replies, shrugging playfully, "Everybody's got to die from something." With such, he walks towards the front of the building. This leaves Gavin alone to his thoughts before he stands up and scurries off to stop the man.

His feet hit the concrete outside as he rounded the corner. Nines was leaning against the wall, eyes staring down at his phone while he smoked. Gavin walked over snatching the unhealthy thing from his hand and tossed it to the ground. Fury flashed in the man's eyes as he grabbed Gavin's jacket and slammed his body roughly into the wall.

"What the fuck was that?!" He snaps, angry as he slams him into the wall once again. "Give me one good reason not to pound you into the fucking pavement!"

Gavin gulped, staring shyly up and into the ice-blue eyes that bore down on him. "I..." He couldn't bring himself to speak from how fearful he'd become. "L-look I... I just... well... ah..." He turns his head to face away from him but seems to pale slightly when he spots a fellow officer.

"Conan!" She calls, snatching the detective by the collar of his shirt and nearly dropping him straight to the pavement. "What the fuck is your problem?!" She shakes him by the shoulders before shoving him down into the wet concrete. Gavin shakes from his fear and looks down at his partner, who nearly looks humiliated. "Why do you always gotta do this to every damned partner you're assigned?!"

Her tone was loud and obnoxious. Gavin bit his lip before fiddling with his thumbs. Why was he acting like this? This wasn't him at all! He glared down at Nines, scoffing and storming off like he normally would have done in the past. His eyes scan the front door, but a hand grabs his shoulder and drags him back to the scene.

He sends her the glare next, but it's utterly useless against the young woman. Instead, she crosses her arms over her chest expectantly. "What?" Both men ask at the same time, glancing at each other briefly.

"Well? Go on now! Apologize!" She snaps, pointing at Nines. The brunette rolls his eyes and stands up until he's pushed back down by a swift kick to the breastbone. "I said apologize!" He gasps, holding that spot for a brief moment.

"Why did you do that? What human would-"

"I didn't ask you!" She snaps, pushing him into the wall. By this point it had gained a few people's attention and a bystander, non-cop in fact, had intervened and settled the dispute. The trio were separated and kept apart, quietly standing there. The Rookie cop appeared suddenly, grinning ear to ear.

"Did you guys hear about the upcoming get-together? It's being held at Lieutenant Connor's house! Isn't this nice?" His happy beams of joy melted the tension that previously filled the air between them all.

The woman sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I have indeed, I'm sorry for my behavior... it was wrong of me to do that..." With such she spins on her heels and flees with the rookie.

Nines remains on the cement as the rain starts up again, pelting his body. Gavin frowns, slipping his jacket off of his shoulders and draping it over the detective before offering his hand. "At least let me help you up. You'll catch a cold..."

Nines stares into his grey eyes, feeling something odd in his stomach. His hands reach up and brush the soft skin of the android before being pulled to his feet. "Thank you... For this..." He refused to look in Gavin's direction, but the gesture was enough for him to smile a little.

"Yeah, whatever meat sack. Considering the time... I'll see you tomorrow?" He looked up at him, seeing the detective check his watch for the time. He purses his lips before staring at Gavin again.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" Nines asks, seeming to care for his partner's health only now after the gesture had taken place. After all, Gavin did attempt to cool that woman down.

"New Jericho..." He replies, pushing his hands into his pockets and looking away nervously.

"Let me drive you... Don't want your bio components to freeze..." He leads the way back into the station to gather his supplies before turning back to the shorter brunette. Gavin stood there quietly, glancing around himself before turning his gaze back to Nine's blue eyes. Those eyes were oddly calming to the android and he both loathed and loved that idea.

The taller male turns his head away and gives Gavin's jacket back, slipping on his trenchcoat and dragging the male with him to his car. 'So he was the guy I saw pull in this morning. Nice car...' he moved to the passenger side and got in when the door was unlocked. Nines followed suit, adjusting things before putting on his seatbelt.

"Thanks for driving me back Detective... It would have been a long and cold walk otherwise..." Gavin speaks softly, turning to look out the window.

"Yeah well... Better put on your seatbelt before I break check you, and call me Nines. You don't gotta act all... Robotic." Nines warns and Gavin quickly does as he's told, almost as if it were in his programming. Which it was.

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