The Morning After

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ThirdNines was the first to wake up, feeling somewhat sore and tired from the night before

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Nines was the first to wake up, feeling somewhat sore and tired from the night before. He felt something pressed against his side and turned to find Gavin cuddled close to him with his cats at their feet. His eyes softened for a moment before he got out of bed. Gavin whined at the lack of body heat but settled with hiding under the warm blankets. He walked to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his chocolate hair as he heard small steps into the room. Gavin lifted his head, rubbing at his eyes while whispering something inaudible as he leaned sleepily into his lover.

Nines held him close, that feeling of dread growing worse by the second. He didn't want people to know about this. About them, though he knew if he ignored Gavin he'd lose him forever. He squeezed him tighter to his chest and let out a battled sigh.

Gavin mumbled again, but it was heavily muffled by Nines' shirt. "Ah, what?" He let him go briefly so that he could readjust.

"Is something wrong?"

"Gavin we need to talk..." He saw the small hint of fear that entered Gavin's eyes. "I don't think it's bad... Not completely..." He carefully pulled him to the living room and sat him down, holding his hands tightly. "Gavin..."

"No." The denial left his lips confused and worried Nines.


"I know what this is about and I won't have it anymore. I'm sorry..." He looked away, "I don't deserve to be treated like shit so that you can go and live happily ever after."

"Gavin..." He bit his bottom lip and listened to the way Gavin rambled and ranted. When he'd stopped himself finally, he spoke up. "I didn't realize the effect this had on you..." Gavin sent him a small glare, going to stand up. "I'm not finished!" He gingerly pulled him back down and spoke up again. "Gavin... I'm..."

"Just remember that this choice-"

Nines placed his hand over his mouth, "I'm ready to admit it... I can't stand not having you next to me and I realized that when we started making out in my car. When I pushed you away at work it made you uninterested in me... I hated that..."

Gavin watched him quietly before biting his bottom lip and looking away. "Do you really mean that? You're not about to toss me around?"

"I mean it. I'm giving you my word as an officer. Please, Gavin... Please be mine..." Gavin looked back at him, though there was visible doubt in his grey eyes. "I won't ever do anything to chase you away again."

"And you won't cheat?" Gavin asked.

"I'll never cheat on you... I like this between us and I won't lose it... Not now and not ever." He hummed, pushing away to look up at him. "I'll be good. And if I'm not you can push me around."

Gavin bit his bottom lip before he nodded sheepishly, standing up and offering his smaller hands to his lover's. "We should get to work then, huh....?" He paused, LED spinning yellow. "What should I call you now?"

Nines stood up and took Gavin's hands in his own. "Call me whatever you want to. I'm at your mercy~" He leaned closer and kissed under his ear. "Just not Daddy in public~" Gavin laughed shyly.

"As if I'd moan that in bed." He pushed himself away lightly. "Get on your knees." His order was immediately melted away when he saw the dominance he saw the night before flash over Nines' features. "Oh shit..." He stepped back, Nines following after him and lifting him up.

He clutched his arms and stared at the male, who had his face buried in his stomach. Nines began to talk, vibrating on the android's skin. "I think not Mister." He set him back on his feet. "Let's get dressed~" He carefully guided Gavin into his room and sat him down, giving him a set of clothes he had that were too small for him.

Gavin began stripping, revealing the marks Nines had left previously. "What?" Gavin asked coyly when he caught Nines staring. He looked down and touched some of the marks, "They don't always heal immediately..." He explained as he yawned.

Nines grabbed a dark-colored turtleneck and turned around to see Gavin almost fully dressed in a pair of clothes that were barely too big for him. He smiled and watched as the male kicked on his shoes and turned back to pet the two cats that meowed at him.

He pulled the fabric over his head and noticed how gentle and shy Gavin was with the two animals, who equally rubbed and purred against his hands. He sat down, allowing the two creatures of fluff to climb on him further. He smiled and played with them, sending a shy glance towards Nines.

"I've been too mean to you recently Gavin... I have to fix that. All of it." The smaller male nodded and stood up, setting Dipshit down on the bed and going to find his jacket. When he found it and pulled it on he met his lover at the door, leaving with the taller male's hand on his lower back.

They walked calmly towards the elevator, a calm silence between them. "You really mean it right?" Gavin asked shyly, looking back up and over at the male.

"I do mean it. I'll prove it." Nines said once they stepped into the elevator.

"And how do you expect to-" Nines pressed his lips against his lover, the doors closing. He breathed through his nose, cupping his lover's face. Gavin moved his hands to hold Nines' shoulders and they parted moments after when the door to the elevator opened.

"Holy shit!" Someone yelled, startling both of them. Nines bit his bottom lip and turned towards the few officers who had planned to check up on the detective after he left suddenly the night prior. "Nines' sleeping with an android!"

"So?" One of the female officers asked, "What's wrong with him being happy? With both of them being happy?" Gavin smiled coyly at the defense and lifted his gaze to see the battle etched on Nines' features. He frowned and hugged his arm tightly.

"It'll be okay..." He looked down at his lover and smiled wearily.

"With you? Always." With such he led his lover from the elevator through a crowd of officers, opening the door to his car for the male.

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