Crime Scene and Coffee

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GavinI had arrived shortly after my leave, eyes scanning the holographic blue police lines that demanded no one cross them

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I had arrived shortly after my leave, eyes scanning the holographic blue police lines that demanded no one cross them. It wouldn't keep them out, even the yellow tape the DPD used previously never kept everybody out. Luckily no bystanders had gone to investigate on their own so I was the only person to arrive.

My shoes hit the sidewalk with its heavy clicking, passing by a few other officers and shining my badge to the one guarding the door. He nods and sidesteps, allowing entrance into the scene. As I stepped further I noted a few officers were gagging, this was not a recent crime then.

I walk further inside and turn the corner, pausing in my tracks at the sight. Sprawled in the middle of the floor we're three androids, torn apart and left for dead. The thirium was still fresh, from what I looked like guessed on the officer's faces. I walk over and crouch down, sticking a finger into the blue blood and lifting it to my mouth.

As I analyzed the sample, I could hear the people around me gasp and scoff in disgust. My goal was to get this mission done quickly and return to work. I wouldn't act out towards anybody and I'd follow my orders. Getting whatever information the blood would give me I stood up, walking around the scene to investigate more of what happened as I slowly put it together in my head.

I could hear a voice echo through my ears, "Looks like a hell hole, hope you don't mind me being here." I knew that voice and visibly shrugged. "Grand news! I've put together my idea of what might have happened if you'd like to see it?"

"Go right ahead..." I mumble my response, entering the kitchen to find more bodies sprawled about.

I could hear the man's absolute joy at finding the rest of the rotting corpses as he clapped eagerly. A little presentation appeared in the top right of my eyes.

The presentation had been well put together, almost as if it were foreseen and then everything had been thought out perfectly. The first few slides were of the victims and what their blood revealed to Gavin. The male watched as Eren explained it had been a homicide and then suicide in the very end.

Trigger warning below!

"Then who committed..." Gavin cut off, stepping into a room with the sound of a heavy object hanging in the center. "Suicide..." Attached to the rope hanging from the ceiling was a young woman, hair a beautiful shining silver. Her eyes were dull, staring right into Gavin's.

He bit the inside of his cheek and also bit his tongue. Her fingers were pale; much like the rest of her body. He approached, standing on the knocked-over chair to pull her body back down. Once the rope was removed from her neck, a gasp escaped her mouth. This woman was alive!

An hour later!
Gavin sat at his desk, reports having been finished a while ago. His LED still spun red from the memory being fresh in his mind. He shook his head quickly, trying to get rid of the image plaguing him. This movement caught the attention of his partner, who had become worried when Gavin entered the precinct with a blood-red LED.

Gavin wouldn't open up to anybody, instead began to type out his report as it would be better off that way and anyone would see it. Now he had been sitting there for the past forty minutes wasting away in his seat. He could hear Eren's smooth voice from inside his head, words appearing over his eyes.

"Let's grab a coffee, you can ask me any question you want to. Sound good?" Gavin remained quiet for a brief moment before standing up. With a nod of his head to signal to Eren, he turned on his heel and walked outside again.

Before he could leave the parking lot, a car pulled up. It was relatively small, the darkest shade of blue, and fit for someone getting somewhere fast and safe. The window on the passenger side rolled down and Eren's face became visible.

"Well? Hop in. Your shift ended two minutes ago." Gavin nodded, walking closer and opening the car door. He swung a leg inside before sitting and doing the same with the other. "I'm sure you have questions about deviancy. About you in particular. About your case. Ask away."

"How did you know?" Gavin asked suddenly, nearly scaring the male.

Eren sent him a glance, his green eye glowing with curiosity. "Interesting how that was your first question. Now, you see Gavin..." He began, turning the wheel casually. "I have access to several police files, due to working with the FBI with the perks from it. The file had been finalized, but I didn't realize nobody removed the bodies. That was my take on the information I'd been given..."

Gavin's eyes softened, feeling guilty for assuming that Eren had taken part in the crime. He decided to drop the topic for now, going for a different and more casual question instead. "Do you just sit on my couch all day?"

He chuckles, a small half-smile covering his lips. "Nah, I like to find disclosed locations and scare the shit out of my partner. He doesn't understand how I get there and it constantly eats at him. It's funny to watch him round the corner just to see the bad guy get rammed by my car door. I don't always act lazy, but I'm mostly out of duty right now."

"How do you find the perfect location at the right time?" Gavin asks, curious about this. "What's it like?"

Eren briefly closes his eyes with a content sigh before turning the wheel and parking. He shuts off the car, yet begins to talk. "It's just some weird instinct I have, being where I'm needed when it counts. It's a good feeling, catching the bad guy on complete accident."

"Doesn't it get lonely without your partner?"

"Lonely? Well... Ever since I got shot and can't go to work for a little, I suppose it has... I'm a grown man though, I'll be fine." With that, he steps out of his car and stretches his back.

Gavin follows suit, without the need to stretch. He closes the car door carefully as Eren locks it and heads inside. The people glance towards him, seeing his LED as it briefly blinks yellow. He was the only android in the entire place. "Got yourself a new tin, huh? Got fed up fucking the old one?" One of the patrons had joked, standing up and grabbing the black-haired male by his shirt collar.

Gavin didn't know what happened, he couldn't have seen it as it happened too quickly to register. All he knew was that Eren had grabbed the nape of the man's neck, held his arms behind his back, and slammed his face into one of the tables. The man was knocked completely unconscious as Eren pointed down at him.

"I will never get tired of my partner." He scolds, walking towards the register as the woman behind it sighs.

She notices Gavin standing awkwardly. She sent him a smile and a wave before turning back to Eren and talking to him. Gavin's LED returned to blue, realizing that the rest of the people inside this place weren't threats to him.

Another woman approached him, tapping gingerly on his shoulder. He turned his head to see shoulder-length brown hair, pulled back into a high ponytail with her emerald green eyes. "I'm so sorry about him, he's just hostile because the guy he likes is interested in an android."

"You're damn right I am Alex!" Eren shouted, a smug look on his face as he got his coffee and took a seat. Gavin walked with the woman over to the table and took a seat across from them.

"An android?"

Eren smirks, "Now don't you fucking start..." His tone was used as a warning, yet it also held a more playful tone. Gavin smiled slightly, maybe humans weren't so bad.

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