Big Time Audition (1.2)

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(A/N: Hi and welcome. As requested, here is a Big Time Rush fanfic. I decided to skip the first episode of season 1 seeing as I didn't like putting Gwen in it. I'm also not going to be doing every episode. Face claim is Lily Colins but as always, feel free to imagine whoever you want. The song up there is Big Time Rush for obvious reasons. Anyways, enough from me. I hope you enjoy it. XxD)


"Hey, Kelly. I wouldn't go into the office if I were you. Dad had a meeting with Uncle Griff and has his dartboard out. Oh, and Nicole is just about done for today."

"Hey Kelly," Nicole smiled in greeting. 

 "Hi. Thanks, Gwen. Why don't you both come with me, I have some people for you to meet," Kelly said as she guided them over to a group of four boys, dressed in what looked like swimwear. "Hey guys, say hello to Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycat dolls," Kelly introduced and the boys' eyes widened as dopey grins covered their faces. 

 "Hey, guys. What's up?" Nicole greeted with a warm smile. 

"He's gonna marry you!" blurted a boy with a hockey helmet in his hands as he pointed to the boy next to him who had gorgeous hair. 

 "Where's my ring?" Nicole asked, playing along as she put her hand on her hip and the boy only stuttered. 

"Uh, we're recording demos with Gustavo," covered the blonde boy next to him.

"With Gustavo," Nicole repeated as she nodded her head.

"Yes. You work with him?" the blonde asked.

"Yes, on my first album," Nicole answered as she sent a knowing glance to Kelly. "Let's just say that we had some, creative differences."

"Nicole! Baby!" called Gustavo as he opened the door to his office, only to close it as Nicole threw the phone at him.

"Good luck guys," she smiled at the boys. "Bye Kelly. Bye Gwen."

"See ya, Nic," Gwen waved goodbye and then the boys' eyes fell on her after calling after Nicole.

"All clear," Gwen called and Gustavo emerged from his office.

"Ok, so, you guys ready to be stars?" he asked the group who all agreed. "Good. Then prove to me that you can be stars," Gustavo said as he pulled the hockey helmet from the boys' head off. "We have three days to prove to the record company that there is something, anything here!"

"No wonder why he had the dartboard out," Gwen whispered to Kelly who gave a grim nod.

"Uh, 3 days? What happened to 3 months?" the blonde asked.

"The CEO of all of our butts wants to see you guys on Friday," Gustavo shot back.

"We have to be a band in three days?" asked a short, dark haired boy next to the blond.

"No. You have to be a great band in 3 days. Unless you don't think you can do it, Mr make-us-a-pop-group," Gustavo said as he moved closer to the blond.

"We can do it. No problem. Bring it," the blond said as he stood toe-to-toe with Gustavo, holding his ground.

"Oh, I will bring it. I will bring everything I got," Gustavo promised as he moved closer to the blond.

"This is a little too close for me," the blond then said.

"Yeah, me too," Gustavo agreed before he moved back into his office.

"So, this is the talent that he said he found in Minnesota?" Gwen asked Kelly who nodded. "You guys are going to need all the luck you can get."

The tall boy with good hair then stepped forward, offering out his hand as he put a dreamy-like look on his face and said, "Hi, I don't think we've properly met. The name's Diamond. James Diamond."

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