Big Time Moms (2.18)

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(A/N: The song above is the Mom Song, the song for this episode. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"You called boys?" Gwen smiled as she leant on the doorway of their open apartment.

"Gwen! Thank god!" Kendall exclaimed as he tugged her inside. "Unfreeze him please," he said as he placed her in front of James who was frozen with a nervous smile on his face.

"How'd he freeze?" she asked and they grimaced.

"Just unfreeze him and we'll explain after," Logan said and Gwen shrugged.

Since he was frozen in an open-mouthed smile, she had to settle for kissing his cheek, which was just as effective as the contact shocked him out of it.

"Care to explain why you were frozen?" she asked.

"Well...." James began.

"His mom is here to take him back to Minnesota to run her cosmetics business," Carlos finished and they all glared at him as Gwen tried to process the information.

"Ok, um, when you said you wanted me to meet your parents this wasn't what I imagined," she laughed nervously. "But, uh, I'll call my dad. There should be something in your contract that should keep you here because I can't go through that whole you leaving, Minnesota, Hawk thing again."

James grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from rambling anymore.

"You're not going to lose me."

She sighed, a little stress coming off her shoulders as she nodded before a knock on the door had them all turning to where a blonde woman stood, dressed in a formal pantsuit.

"Hi, can we help you?" Kendall asked a little uncertainly.

"Hi, My name's Abigail. I was told I could find Gwendolyn Rocque here since she wasn't at her apartment."

"I'm Gwen. Who are you?" Gwen asked as she made her presence known, brows furrowed slightly.

The woman's smile was painful.

"Hello, Gwen. I know this might come as a shock to you, but, I'm your mother."


"I don't have a mother," Gwen stated plainly, the boys glancing at her sadly, staying out of it.

"And I'm sorry that I wasn't there, but, I'm here now," Abigail said as she walked closer to Gwen. "With all your publicity lately it hasn't been hard to find you. I'm proud of you and your success. You have some talented boys here."

Gwen's hands started to shake and she couldn't look at the woman, who was no doubt her mother, their eyes were exactly the same.

"Your praise means nothing to me because you are a stranger. I don't have a mother. I have a father. And the woman that gave birth to me abandoned me after I was born. And I can't handle this right now. See you boys later."

And Gwen ran from the room, pushing past the woman before anyone could see the tears in her eyes.


The second she made it to her father's office and engulfed him in a hug she sobbed into his chest.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Gustavo asked almost tenderly.

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