Big Time Crush (2.11)

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"Well, aren't you sweet?" Gwen grinned as James walked into her apartment with flowers.

"Well the plan to get Carlos a girlfriend backfired so they would've gone to waste otherwise," James admitted as he walked in and Gwen rolled her eyes.

"And here I thought it was because you love me," she sighed as she filled the vase with water.

"I do," James said as he pecked her cheek and she set the flowers down before spinning and finding herself trapped in his arms. "Hey, so are you doing anything tonight?"

She considered it for a second.

"Not that I'm aware of. Why?"

"Good. Because you're coming with me to watch Kiss and Tell," he said with no room for argument.

"Did you only buy tickets because you want to make out with me? Neither of us like romantic movies, hockey head."

"Pffft, no," James denied and Gwen gave him a look. "Ok yes. But I also need you to come with me to chaperone Katie's date to the movies with this boy that she likes."

"Aww, Katie has a crush? That's so cute."

"It is not cute!" James frowned.

"Ok, what's got you all worked up? Are you that protective over Katie?"

James sighed. "I just don't want her to get hurt. Or to make out in a movie theatre when she is clearly still a child!"

"Wow, ok baby, calm down. Katie is 13 and headstrong enough to decide what she wants."

James' brows only rose in intrigue. "Baby?"

Gwen shrugged. "Thought I'd try it. Verdict?"

"I don't mind it," he smirked.

"Is that so?"

"That is so."

As their lips inched forward, moving closer with every sentence, they didn't get a chance to touch before Gwen's phone rang and James groaned.

"Hey, what's up?" Gwen asked Katie.

"Is James with you?"

"He's here right now," she answered, eyeing her boyfriend up and down.

"And you're coming to Kiss and Tell right?"

"I got the invite like two minutes ago but yes I'm coming."

"Think you can keep him distracted for me so he doesn't try to mess up my date with his overprotectiveness?"

"What did he do now?" she asked, giving James a look that made him nervous.

"He tried to get Kyle to change movies and threatened him with a water gun."

"Did he now?"

"Yep. So, think you can distract him?"

Gwen scoffed.

"Is that even a question? It'll be cake. You've seen how he is."

Katie sighed in relief.

"You're the best Gwen."

"Don't you forget it Kates."



After she set the phone down, James gave her an innocent smile.

"So, what was that about?"

Gwen put her arms around his neck.

"Oh, just the little incident about how you scared Kyle with a water gun."

"I was trying to protect Katie!"

She pressed her index finger to his chest.

"Well you, are going to make a dinner reservation for us. Then we're going to go and make out in a dark movie theatre and you're going to leave Katie alone, or I swear to god James, I will sic my dad on you."

"Ok, using Gustavo against me is not fair! Everyone but you and Griffin is terrified of him!" he whined.

"Hockey head, look, it'll be fine. I'm going to shower and change and then I'll meet you for dinner in the lobby, ok?"

"Fine," he pouted.

"Try not to sound too disappointed."

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tonight."

Gwen smiled. "Ok."

He kissed her goodbye before he headed for the door.

"Hey hockey head," she called, hand braced on the countertop behind her.


"I love you."

James smiled. "I love you too." 

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