Big Time Dance (1.15)

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(A/N: Thanks for 500 reads guys! Hope you enjoy the chapter. XxD)


It had been a crazy few weeks.

First Gustavo forced the boys to get jobs to pay him back $2000 in damages as they break a lot of things. The boys knew how to have fun but sometimes they took it just a bit too far.

Then they had a day with Deke, the most famous Hollywood blogger and one could only guess how a day with the boys could go. Fun, but ouch.

Then they had thought a ghost was terrorising the palm woods when Gwen and Gustavo had been forced to stay with them in their apartment for a night and they learned what a slob Gustavo actually was. And then he would get angry when something spooky would happen and James would instantly grab onto Gwen, whether it was to protect her or use her as a form of protection they couldn't really figure out.

And now they had signed themselves up to host a dance that they had to plan in a single day.

So naturally, there had been a betting pool to see how long it would take them before they all ran to Gwen.

And that was fairly quickly seeing as they needed her help to convince Gustavo to let them have the dance at the studio.

And he agreed so long as they performed in front of every one since they needed some stage practice. And while they agreed to that deal, Gwen was back at the palm woods taking part in a new betting pool about when the boys would finally get it through their thick heads that they needed dates for the dance.

But James stayed behind in Gustavo's office as the other three ran off.

"Gustavo, I know that this is pushing it, but I have two more favours to ask you."

Gustavo only let out a sigh.

"Alright, what are they?"

"First, can you and Kelly be chaperones for the dance?"

They both looked at each other and shrugged.

"Might as well," Kelly agreed and James gave a small smile as he laced his hands together, palms sweaty as he gathered his courage for his final question.

"Uh, I was also wondering, if... I could have your permission to take Gwen to the dance?" he asked very quickly.

Gustavo was frozen as he said calmly, "Say that again, but slower."

James took a deep breath.

"Can I please take Gwen to the dance tonight?"

Gustavo raised his finger as he inhaled a breath and James shirked back but before Gustavo could point at him, Kelly stopped him.

"Before you say no, first, think about what Gwen would want and how she hates you making decisions for her. And second, you'll be a chaperone, you can keep an eye on them. And third, don't you want your daughter to have some fun?"

Gustavo dropped his finger as he took in what Kelly said.


James broke into a smile, amazed that it even worked.

"If my Gwenny says yes then you can take her to the dance, but no funny business. I'll be watching you!" Gustavo warned but James was too happy to fully process his threat.

"Ok! Thank you! I'll take good care of her. Bye!"

And he was gone.

Now all he had to do was ask her.

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