Big Time Decision (3.7)

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"AHHHHHH!! You're back! You're back! You're back!" Gwen screamed as she burst into the blonde's apartment and wrapped her in a hug, followed by Camille who'd just screamed in excitement.

"You said you were coming back when you called me earlier, but I didn't think it would be this soon," Gwen said, literally bursting with joy that one of her best friends was back in L.A that she'd ditched her boyfriend to come and see Jo.

"I wanted to surprise you guys," Jo smiled.

But didn't reach her eyes, something both girls saw.

"Ok, what happened?" Camille asked.

"What makes you think something happened?" Jo asked, giving them a confused look and both girls just crossed their arms over their chests. "Ok, something happened," Jo admitted as she flopped down on her couch, Gwen and Camille sitting on opposite sides of her.

"You wanna tell us what happened so we can either fix it or offer priceless words of wisdom?" Gwen asked and Jo huffed a laugh.

"I saw Kendall kissing Lucy in an elevator."

"Jo," Gwen said softly, heart breaking for the girl as she placed a hand on her arm.

"Jo, we're so sorry," Camille said, squeezing her hand.

"It's my fault," she said as she sat up, wiping under her eyes that were lined with tears. "It's my fault for thinking that I could come back, and everything would go back to the way it was. And now Kendall's avoiding me."

"All those boys have a tendency of running away from their problems," Gwen admitted as she rubbed Jo's back.

"Yeah, but, what are you going to do if Kendall chooses Lucy? I mean we did spend all of today helping Kendall ask her out," Camille said mindless and Gwen shot her a look as Jo looked even more heartbroken.


"Sorry," Camille said as she too joined in rubbing Jo's back comfortingly.

"No. You're right, I mean I should at least consider what I'm going to do if he does pick her. Things are different now."

"Are you back on New Town High?" Gwen asked and Jo nodded as she sniffed.

"Yeah. They said it would be a good plot twist. The irony is Jett's character has also fallen for someone else when I return," she laughed humourlessly before the tears started leaking down her face.

The girls just squeezed her into a hug.

"I think I'd leave the Palmwoods if he chose her."

"Jo-," both girls began but the blonde cut them off.

"No. It'd be too painful to see them happy and together every day. I'd still be in L.A just not in the Palmwoods."

"Jo, do you love Kendall?" Gwen asked and she turned to meet her eyes.

"I think so. I mean, I've never been in love before, but I think I do. Uh, I don't know," she groaned as she threw herself backwards on the sofa and covered her face with her hands.

"Ok, how about this? You stay here, unpack, relax and try to get your mind off Kendall for a little bit," Gwen began.

"While we go and track down the blond idiot and talk some sense into him," Camille finished, Gwen nodding in agreement as Jo dropped her hands.

"Aren't you guys friends with Lucy too?" she asked as she wiped her face on her sleeve.

"We are. Which is why we're only going to push Kendall both ways and see which sticks. It is his choice after all," Camille answered with a smirk.

"I've really missed you guys," Jo said with a sad smile.

"We've missed you too," Gwen smiled as they squeezed her into another hug.

"We'll be back later with some answers," Camille promised as they stood, Jo nodding in understanding.

Time to find a boy.


"AH-HA!" Camille exclaimed after Gwen had pushed open the door of apartment 2J to where Logan was standing in front of Kendall who was hiding in the sofa.

"We knew you were in here!" Gwen said as they stormed into the apartment.

"How could you avoid Jo, who you dated, and Lucy, who you just started dating, but Jo came back and saw you kissing Lucy, who you don't know as well as Jo, who you didn't know was coming back!"

"You good now Cami?" Gwen asked and the girl nodded.

"But it's no wonder he's avoiding them."

"And confused. You forgot confused," Kendall said dejectedly.

"Firstly you have to figure out your problem," Camille said, Logan pointing at her in agreement.

"Like does Jo even want to take you back?" Logan asked.

"She does. She told us. And Camille meant, do you stay with Lucy or get back with Jo?" Gwen said.

Kendall's eyes widened in shock.

"Ok, but, do you still like Jo?" Logan questioned. "You guys have been apart for a long time and you really like Lucy."

"I haven't even thought about that. I guess, I don't know if I still have feelings for Jo."

"Ok, then let's figure it out," Logan said calmly and Kendall nodded as he moved closer to the trio. "Take a deep breath," Logan began as they all closed their eyes, his voice oddly soothing. "Imagine you and Jo are running through a field of flowers -"

"Yeah, I still like her," Kendall cut him off as their eyes snapped open.

And the trio turned to each other worriedly.

"Speaking of liking people, where's James?" Gwen asked.

"He's fighting Bitters for Carlos' extra bottle of Zom-B-Gone," Logan answered.

"I don't know what's worse, the fact that Carlos bought that ridiculous drink or the fact that my boyfriend is fighting our landlord for it," she sighed.



"What's going on?" Gwen asked in confusion as she walked outside to the pool area only for Carlos and James to grab each of her arms and pull them inside the lobby and into the elevator with them. "Care to explain that boys?"

"Zombie apocalypse - couldn't let you- get turned," James panted, still dripping wet after having been in the pool.

"Hockey head, what on earth are you talking about?" Gwen asked incredulously as the boys caught their breaths.

"Long story. How was your day?" James asked as he took her hands and Gwen just shook her head.

"Uh, well, I've been trying to help Kendall decide who he wants to date out of Lucy and Jo because if he doesn't pick by tonight, they're both going to leave the Palmwoods."

"He's screwed," Carlos piped up and Gwen was inclined to agree.

"Logan was trying to use love science to help him figure out which one he liked but then the girls found out, I think. I don't know, I stopped to take a phone call from Katie who's apparently running my father's record label for three hours."

The boys' brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah, I don't really understand it either. But yeah, Kendall bolted so I was out looking for him when I ran into you guys. Now, do you want to explain to me what was happening?"

"Just that I have the bestest friend ever," Carlos grinned as he slung an arm over James' shoulders and James let go of Gwen's hands to hug Carlos properly.

And even though Gwen smiled at the scene still shook her head at them.


But they were her boys.

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