Big Time Party (1.11)

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(A/N: Gwen's dress for this chapter above. Also don't come at me if this hockey stuff isn't right. I live in Australia, ice hockey is not a big thing here. Hope you enjoy. XxD.)


"Wow, this place looks amazing," Gwen said as she walked into apartment 2J, and the boys collectively dropped their jaws when they saw her.

A crystal comb pushed her hair over one shoulder, her make-up natural but noticeable, enhancing her beauty, as a deep purple cocktail dress with silver heels hugged her body. A purple dress that coincidently happened to match the cheetah print suit James wore.

"And I kinda dig the suits," she said to James and Carlos who were still slack-jawed. "What? Is something wrong with my dress?" she asked as she looked down, tucking her black clutch under her arm.

"No!" Kendall exclaimed.

"You look," Logan began.

"Absolutely and totally," Carlos continued.

"Beautiful," James finished and she smiled.

"Well thank you, boys. And I wish I could stay but I have to go to your celebratory party, without you ironically. And it's going to be so boring," Gwen whined.

"Won't Mercedes be there to keep you company?" Logan asked.

"If by keeping me company you mean joining me in my corner, so I don't look like a loner as we complain about that boring party, then yes. We're planning on trying to either annoy Griffin or guilt him into forcing my dad to liven the party up," she explained as her phone dinged and she pulled it out.

"Is it just me or do those two together seem scarily powerful?" Kendall whispered and all the boys nodded in agreement, somewhat scared.

"Ok, my car is here. I'll see you boys, later."

"Bye," they waved in unison, and she only shook her head at them as she smiled and walked out.

"Beautiful? Really?" Kendal said to James as the three boys turned on him.

"Well, she is! I only said what you all were thinking. And we're friends. Aren't friends allowed to compliment friends?" he defended.

"But I'm pretty sure friends don't kiss friends," Carlos pointed out.

"Yeah well, did we talk about the kiss? Yes. Am I dating her? No. So is there a problem? No. Now, Carlos and I are going to decorate while you two go do whatever you two do," James said as he dragged his friend off and Kendall turned to Logan.

"He really likes her, doesn't he?"

Logan nodded. "Yep."

"And he's never gone after a girl like this before, has he?"

"Nope," Logan agreed.

"So, what do we do?" Kendall asked and Logan shrugged.

"I mean, we never took her opinion into account when we made the agreement. I think we gotta leave it up to Gwen."


"Ok, can we please call the boys now dad so that they can throw a party that doesn't make everyone want to fall asleep?" Gwen asked her father as he sat with Kelly at a table, Mercedes at her side.

He and Kelly had tried to impersonate the Russian acrobats that had supposed to come for entertainment but ended up cancelling and their attempt had ended up with a stack of chairs falling on a guest, Gustavo knocking over a table and Kelly being flung over one.

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