Big Time Christmas (2.8)

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(A/N: The song above is Beautiful Christmas, I think it's very underrated because of the duet they did with Miranda, which I love but I also love this song. This is also a really long chapter. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"Oh, hi," Gwen smiled, surprised as she went to get out of the elevator to find James standing there holding mistletoe.

"Hi," James grinned, beyond ecstatic.

"You weren't going to kiss another girl if it wasn't me that got out of the elevator, were you?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow and James only smirked.

"Jo said you were coming before she left."

"In that case," Gwen beamed as she looked past him to where the other boys are.

"I'm going to borrow him."

And she tugged James into the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor as she kissed him under the mistletoe and the doors slid shut.

"I'm going to miss you," James said as he pushed the hair from Gwen's face, the girl bundled in a cute purple winter jacket, but with one of James' shirts she'd stolen underneath.

"It's only two weeks," she smiled, hands on his shoulders as her back was pressed on the back wall of the elevator.

"But that's still two weeks longer than we've ever been apart."

"James, you see me every day. It's a wonder you're not sick of me yet."

He cupped her face, a serious look on his.

"I could never be sick of you."

That earned him another kiss.

And they kept kissing, mistletoe discarded in the corner until the lift dinged open on the top floor.

"Your stop?" James asked as they broke apart.

"No, actually. My apartment is all locked up and my bags are packed. I was heading to the studio to help my dad finish off some things before we leave for Fiji. I was heading down to the car when you caught me."

"Oh, by the way, we have to stop by the studio to drop off your gift and Gustavo's. They're the only ones we bought before today," he said, and she gave him an amused look.

"Glad to know. Your gift is also at the studio. So that works out, but we should probably go. We do have flights to catch."

"So, that means," James grinned cheekily as he pushed the button for the second floor and then the lobby and the doors slid shut.

And their lips met again.


"Dogs, let's make this quick. We're on our way to Fiji," Gustavo said as he walked out of his office in a tree-patterned tropical shirt and a lei, Gwen walking out behind him with two suitcases of her own and a matching shirt knotted up, baring part of her midriff, and jeans.

"Well, we wanted to give you, these," Kendall said as James pulled the package from behind his back and handed it to Gustavo who tore it open.

"We ordered it special," Carlos explained as Gwen smiled at them.

Inside was a large pair of red pyjamas and a smaller pair of black L.A Kings themed pyjamas.

"Cool!" Gwen squealed in excitement.

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