Big Time Double Date (3.4)

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(A/N: Song above is Cover Girl. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


"Rehearsal is cancelled for today," Kelly announced as she walked into the Palmwoods, Gwen and her father trailing behind her.

"How come?" James asked.

"Because Dad's doctor told him to take a 24-hour break from things that stress him out and make him yell," Gwen reprimanded Gustavo who glared back at her.

"Oh, Griffin," Kendall guessed, Carlos and James agreeing. "Budgets? Writer's block?"

"You, you, HIM, and Logan," Gustavo yelled as he pointed at the boys, James freaking out slightly as he was the 'him' that Gustavo was not happy about as the producer tended to stress over his daughter's boyfriend a lot.

His monitor on his wrist then started blinking red as it beeped.

"AH! His watch is going to blow!" Carlos screamed in worry as he hid behind Kendall and James.

"It's a blood pressure monitor and it goes off when he's stressed," Gwen explained as she squeezed her father's hand in an effort to calm him down.

"So, you boys need to -"

"Stay away from me for the next 24 HOURS!" Gustavo bellowed as he cut Kelly off and Gwen smacked his shoulder.

"No yelling!" she scolded. "Now go home and get some rest," Gwen ordered and Gustavo merely stomped his way out of the Palmwoods, Kelly on his heels.

"Ready for date night?" James asked Gwen as he tucked her under his arm.

"So, ready," she exhaled in exhaustion as she squeezed him.

Carlos then ran off in pursuit of the Jennifer's, one of them having winked at him as they walked past.

"He might have a shot," James said to Kendall who rolled his eyes.

"Until he burp-asks her out. Or gives her a gift, which will be a frog."

A serious look covered James' face. "I can't let that happen. Friendship powers, ACTIVATE!" he exclaimed as he smashed his fists together and then interlocked his fingers before pecking Gwen on the cheek and running off after Carlos. "See you for date night!" he yelled as he left and Gwen shook her head at him as she smiled.

"Hey, where's Logan?" Gwen asked, only noting his absence now.

"Oh, you might want to go talk to Camille. I have a feeling she needs to vent about him," Kendall advised and Gwen scrunched her brows.


And Gwen went off in search of her friend.


"Jett? Really?" Gwen judged as they sat in Camille's apartment and talked.

"Well he was there and I wanted to make Logan jealous, so it worked."

"Jett is more in love with himself than James was. That was before he met me at least," Gwen beamed as she proudly spoke about how her boyfriend had become less of a narcissist since dating her.

"Ok, while that may be true, I just want Logan to spend time with me, and not because recent data says so," Camille sighed.

"Then talk to him. You know how he is with emotions, sometimes you just have to be a little patient with him."

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