Big Time Pranks II (4.7)

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(A/N: the song above is Confetti Falling, one of my favourites and one of my favourite episodes. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


The boys, Katie and Gwen all huddled eagerly around the clock as it ticked down, seconds left to go.

And they mimicked fanfare as it hit zero and they gathered around the table along with the rule book.

"Gentlemen, lady," Kendall acknowledged, Gwen nodding at him from her seat next to James. "The day of pranks is once again upon us."

"Today we find out who unites the two halves of the crown to become Sir high lord king of pranks," Katie continued.

"Or Queen," Kendall amended, having learnt their lesson from the last time they played this game.

And they sealed the two halves of the crown together before the boys shrieked in horror as it was stolen from the table by a large net.

"Hear Ye, hear me," Mama Knight said from the top of the slide as she held the crown hostage in her massive net. "As mom of this manor, I hereby declare the day of pranks cancelled."

As Mrs Knight came down to their level, crown in hand, they faced off as Kendall said, "Mom, I love you but the day of pranks will happen!"

"And I will be king!" James exclaimed.

"No, I will!" Logan protested.

"I shall rule the land of pranks!" Carlos joined in.

"And that kind of bickering is exactly what's going to make me queen," Gwen piped up with a wicked grin.

"And you can't keep track of what we do today. There's only one of you and six of us," Katie added.

"Yeah, well I am not the only one who hates the day of pranks," Mama Knight said as the door opened and in walked Gustavo, Kelly, Bitters, Buddha Bob, Griffin and Abdul.

"It stinks," Bitters said.

"We hate it," Griffin spoke up.

"Worst holiday ever," Gustavo added.

"Guys we need you in the studio," Kelly said.

"Not running around playing idiotic pranks," Gustavo said.

"Oh, so you and Kelly didn't prank each other and Uncle Griff last year then?" Gwen asked with her arms crossed over her chest as she looked at the three adults.

"That beside the point! Who do you think has to clean up your mess-o-mania?" Bitters said, saving the sheepish looking adults from answering.

"Uh, I do," Buddha Bob said.

"Yes, but I have to call you to make you do it."

"Oh, but I totally don't mind -"

"Stop it!" Bitters cut him off.

"Your last day of pranks cost my company $20,000 in damages and $17,000 in pie filling," Griffin informed.

"So, now it looks like you guys are outnumbered," Mama Knight boasted.

"Well it looked like you guys are old numbered," Katie shot back.

"Come again?" all the adults asked in unison.

"Don't you guys remember what it's like to have fun and be a kid?" Carlos asked.

"I know how to have fun, I just choose not to have it," Gustavo said.

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